Prisoner of War

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This is originally @wangxian~ 's story! Go check it out! It's in the Oneshots and called P.O.W.! 

TW: mentions of various tortures and descriptions of the results of said tortures!

There are various time skips labeled with: ******

Fair warning, this is pretty long at 14083 words! Enjoy!

He flew backward before he could fathom how or why. Back into the teahouse crawling with Wen soldiers. Back to his almost certain demise. The incision along his abdomen had split again. It felt like his entrails were slithering out of his stomach, and all he could do was tighten an arm around the incision to keep them in. From the ground, he looked up at the doorway. Three shadows swallowed the sun's light like black holes: Wen Chao, Wen Zhuliu, and that bitch with the iron.

"What? You can't get up?" Wen Chao snorted like a pig. He looked like one too, with his crinkled pink nose and ugly visage. Wei Wuxian laughed at the thought until the Wen stepped down on his hand, driving his heel into Wuxian's fingers.

"Weren't you an arrogant brat back in the cave of Xuanwu? Try your tricks again. I dare you, just try it!" And try he was, to keep the scream churning in his stomach from leaking between his teeth. He only groaned as Wen Chao's unyielding foot searched for the satisfaction of a howl. You're not going to get it, Wei Wuxian thought snidely, but his smirk betrayed him, and Wen Chao snapped a finger with his heel. Wei Wuxian gagged, barely managing to catch the cry of pain in his throat. The foot lifted, apparently gratified. When Chao huffed as he crouched in front of Wei Wuxian. Gently, he tangled his fingers within the weaker man's tousled hair before yanking his head back and exposing his neck.

"Wei Ying, this isn't like you at all. Has something happened since we last met? I must say, I like this new you." Wei Wuxian imperceptibly shivered. He spit a fat wad of blood in Wen Chao's face. The Wen growled furiously and struck Wei Wuxian with an open palm, leaving red streaks like those from an angry maiden.

"Bastard! Tell me, where is that mediocre Jiang Cheng?... hm? Can't Talk? I remember you quite enjoyed spewing nonsense back then." Wei Wuxian didn't say a word, going so far as to school his expression to be unreadable. The Wen clicked his tongue, shoving the other's head down as he released him. Wei Wuxian barely managed to keep himself from hitting his head on the floorboards. Wen Chao took a seat on one of the tables and crossed his legs, flicking his sleeves back in a show of power. Meanwhile, the hooded figures of Wen minions had hoisted Wei Wuxian up by his arms.

"How about this? You've caught me in a good mood today. All you need to do is get on your hands and knees and bark for your new master. Then, I'll let you go. Fair?"

"But Wen Gongzi, he still owes us an arm!" Wei Wuxian felt his blood boil as the nasally voice assaulted the room. It was that bitch who thought only of torturing others even as the world crumbled around her. They're perfect for each other, Wei Wuxian couldn't stop the smirk at that thought. Luckily, no one said anything about it.

"No... no, no, no—chopping off an arm would drain him dry. A dead dog is only useful as pig feed. First, Wen Zhuliu will crush his core. I want to hear him scream that that bastard Jiang Cheng." It was too ironic. Wei Wuxian laughed. He laughed hysterically. He choked on his own delight. Wen Chao gave him a strange look. He carefully walked over, placing two uncharacteristically kind fingers on the underside of Wei Wuxian's chin, and lifting his head.

"You are going to die, why are you like this?"

"It is exactly because I'm about to die that I am not afraid. What I'm afraid of is that I won't die. Give me your worst. Torture me properly. After I die, I'll turn into a ferocious ghost and haunt the Wen Sect of Qishan day and night, cursing you all for eternity." For a second time, Wei Wuxian shot another string of bloody spittle in the Wen's Face. But for the first time, Wen Chao reacted with a sickly sweet grin. He ushered the saliva away with his sleeve.

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