Elevator Music

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Wei Ying had only started at Cloud Recesses Tech two months ago, just another body to watch for any suspicious going-ons as part of the security team. He couldn't believe his lucky stars when the company called him out of the blue and hired him! Even now, it felt like a dream. It couldn't be true. They had hired him a month after his eighteenth birthday. The Day (his birthday) Madam Yu threw him out with nothing but the clothes on his back. His friend Lan Zhan had found him a little under a month later. Of course, that was what Lan Zhan said. Wei Ying had been unconscious and probably barely recognizable. He only remembered coming to his senses in Lan Zhan's apartment, the owner so sweetly worried and caring for Wei Ying. Wei Ying was sinking into a giant comfy sweater smelling of sandalwood. They had been friends since freshman year and Wei Ying was proud that he could tell how out of sorts Lan Zhan was over his sickness. Well, he was proud he could read the Lan, not proud of being the cause of his worry and stress. Anyway, he had been living with Lan Zhan for over two months now. Lost in thought, he almost missed the sketchy character walking in the parking garage.

"Excuse me, sir. May I see your pass?" The words slipped easily from his tongue. It was part of the script he played out everyday. Sometimes he was stationed in some hallway, sometimes in the parking garage, sometimes in the lobby, or many other spots. It didn't really matter to him. He always sported a cheesy smile and spoke chipperly. The sketchy guy turned around to face Wei Ying and— wow, did people have such thin, pointed eyebrows that far up their forehead? It was like a mix between perpetually surprised and a 60s evil villain. The man gave him a slimy smile, ugh, Wei Ying really tried not to judge people based on their features but this guy was giving him major bad vibes. And to be fair, the man's clothing was too fancy for anything but the CEO and board members to wear and those guys had their own private floor of the garage and private elevator. There was no way Wei Ying would ever cross paths with those head honchos. Maybe this guy was visiting and confused?

"Of course, my pass is right here." The man smirked as he pulled a gun. Well, definitely not a visiting VIP. Just a sleazy guy over-prepared for whatever crime he intended to commit. The triumph of his distrust of the guy wore off and the shiny metal was waved in his face.

"You're gonna get me to floor sixty-three, and you're gonna do it now. Any funny business and I shoot you. Not dead of course, but you'll never walk again." Wei Ying really hated those crooked, yellow teeth. There wasn't a whole lot Wei Ying could do, but he felt fiercely protective of the company. They were so nice to him and gave him support in his time of need. The company was kind of like Lan Zhan, but instead of being wrapped up in one amazing person, it was spread across an entire building full of people and friendly faces.

"Right this way, sir." Wei Ying growled through gritted teeth. He had a plan forming in his head. He led the way, cold metal jammed into the back of his jacket, to an elevator. Maintenance personnel only. He was allowed because MianMian, head of staff, had a soft spot for him. The man followed close behind and breathed down his neck as Wei Ying inserted his 'grey-capped' key and turned it, the elevator sprinting into action. The man glanced around as if realizing he was in a cage, and Wei Ying took the opportunity to twist the key and snap the head off. The elevator shuddered to a stop, red lights came on, and the sleazy man rounded on him.

"What did you do?!" He screamed.

"Ah, this old key. It was barely attached with duct tape. It's snapped again!" Wei Ying wailed, probably overdoing his performance. The man snatched the key and saw it was indeed snapped, the head puffy with layer upon layer of duct tape. Then the man did something not as stupid as Wei Ying hoped the man was. He looked at the other half of the key, jammed it into the slot and stuck there... on the emergency shut-down. The man turned a furious gaze on Wei Ying and swung a right hook. Wei Ying easily dodged and countered. He had spent years play fighting and then sparring with Jiang Cheng. This guy was no match. Of course, the apparent difference in skill only lasted until the man remembered he had a gun in his hand, which Wei Ying had forgotten about as well in the scuffle. A shot rang out. It was loud, and there was a burning smell? His knees met the floor with a jarring impact, quickly followed by the rest of him. He felt numb, and everything sounded like... was he wearing mufflers or something? No, what he could hear had a weird echoey quality.

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