Driving to the hideout

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Tim and the doctor agreed that Lucy shouldn't be transported in a sitting position so they decided to put her in the backseat lying down with her upper body being held by Tim. The doctor will be the one driving the car to the hideout. 

Lucy was still asleep when Tim carried her to the car. He covered her with a blanket so she wouldn't be cold and also so he could hide her from other people. Even though the car's back windows were dark Tim still was worried anyone would see her.

Lucy woke up but she was still sleepy and not awake "What?... Where are we going?" she was in a moment where she had no idea what is going on. on

"Don't worry we are going to a safe place. I'm here with you" Tim spoke softly so Lucy knew she was safe and wouldn't worry.

Lucy realized that she's been held by Tim and he had tucked her into the blanket making her have the feeling of butterflies in her stomach. She had thought in her head "Am I dreaming or hallucinating? Tim is holding me? NO! Lucy snap out of it! Get your thoughts together"

"Where are we going?" Lucy tried to get up to see better outside of the car, but Tim held her down.

"We are going to a safe location until whoever was trying to kill and Patel's gang is caught. Also, you need to lie down so no one sees you and because you tore your stitches once and I will not let you do it again" Tim spoke with a serious and soft tone.

After a moment Lucy said in her half-asleep voice "You still didn't answer my question"

Tim was confused "What question?"

"Why did you break up with Ashley? You both looked so serious about the whole marriage thing and now suddenly just broke up? What happened?" Lucy's tone had some suspicion and confusion but it was also obvious she was fighting her tiredness.

Even the doctor who was driving this car suddenly felt interested in Lucy and Tim's conversation, so he eavesdropped while driving.

Tim didn't know what to answer as he didn't understand he's the real motive of why he broke the whole thing off "Ummm... me and Ashley just didn't work out" Tim brushed it off as casually as he could so Lucy wouldn't ask more questions but that's Lucy and she will obviously ask more.

"That's it?" Lucy sounded surprised "Come on I know there is a bigger reason why you broke it all off. You don't just break weddings and relationships apart without any reason. I know you too well" Lucy let Tim know that she is not gonna drop this and she will ask until she gets the real reason.

Tim was lost on what to say so he decided to just try avoiding this by changing the topic "Is this silly question reason why you did you ran away from the hospital during the night and when you were supposed to take a rest?" Tim teased Lucy but he also had some seriousness in his tone.

Lucy bit her lower lip as this question was exactly one of the reasons why she ran away but she didn't want Tim to know it "I also felt unsafe there. That was why I ran away" at this moment Lucy really hoped Tim would believe this lie she made up.

Tim was convinced and he didn't push it further for an explanation but part of him did wish Lucy to run from the hospital for him but he refused to admit it to himself.

At the hideout.

They arrived at a hideout that was a small home surrounded by the woods and with a small lake nearby. Tim carefully carried Lucy inside and placed her on the bed.

"You should be safe here. I made sure no one follows us and no one except Nyla Harper and another trusted friend knows this place. Besides this house isn't even on any map" Doctor ensured Tim that they are safe.

"Thanks. Oh, and I left my phone at home so no one can track me or Lucy here. Maybe there is a way to talk and know what is happening on the outside?" Tim asked.

"There is a secure phone and computer in the office room. Also hope you won't need but there are some guns in seif behind the painting. The combination is saved in phone notes along with other useful information" the Doctor said "Also I'll come back tomorrow evening with some food and more medical supplies. I'll send a text on that phone"

Tim and the doctor talked through a few other things which also included what Lucy shouldn't do and how to take care of her wound. Then the doctor left and Tim went to Lucy.

"Are you okay?" Tim sat on the side of the bed.

Lucy was sleepy "Yeah. Just feeling a bit tired and chilly"

"From what the doctor said I get that it is normal to feel tired. And I'll go get some more blankets that should help" Tim said as he went looking for blankets.

By the time Tim had finally found the blanket Lucy had already fallen asleep.

Tim had an unexpected taught in he's head "She looks so peaceful and calm in her sleep as if a big drug gang wasn't after her head. How I wish it was that way. I wish she was safe"

Tim snapped his head out of his thoughts and just covered Lucy with a blanket. She smiled and mumbled something in her sleep as Tim was tucking her into a blanket.

The Rookie. Lucy and Tim. (PAUSED Till End Of Summer)Where stories live. Discover now