Simba's past

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Young Simba was just playing in the garden of their mansion and happily chasing a butterfly 🦋.

When suddenly uncle scar came and scared him. "What are u doing Simba " he said creepily smiling (when does he smile nicely? 🙄)

"Hello uncle scar ! I'm just chasing a butterfly ! "

"Why so ?" Scar asked curiously (pretending to be, you naive child !!!)

"Cuz when I'm king I'll have to do a lot of jobs everyday ! My reflexes must be strong since childhood for that to happen !" young Simba said puffing out his chest in pride .

Is that so ? Scar asked (more like gritted his teeth and looked like a monkey 🐒......ok continue)

"Yes ! "Simba said happily

"Well I heard you father has a surprise for you ! Did your father reveal what it is ? "
Scar asked curiously

"He has a surprise for me and he didn't tell me ?! " Young Simba said anxiously
"And no uncle scar I didn't even know about it . I hope it's the PlayStation I've been wanting on my birthday ! " Simba said happily

"Well I seem to have known about this so called surprise your father made for you " scar said smugly

What ?! Where is it ? Simba asked
Well I'll show you if you follow me . Scar said suddenly smiling as though he had won a trophy.

But....father didn't allow me to leave pride palace and go anywhere, neither did mom. Simba said reluctantly

Well, I'm sure mufasa would not mind if I take my favourite nephew for a stroll . Scar chuckled.

Hey ! I'm your only nephew ! Young Simba said pretending to be angry .

Ok then only nephew, let's go .scar said.

After walking for 20 mins we finally reached our destination...........
A shallow gorge which is known for the imigrants to be arriving by

Umm uncle scar, Why are we here ? Simba said nervously.

You'll know in due time . Scar said chuckling dangerously.
'uhhhhh okay'said Simba.
'Why don't you practice your roar in the meantime young Simba?' I heard from a little birdie that you're still struggling with it?Maybe you can make huge improvement by practising in front of your dear old uncle?' Said Scar with an evil smirk on his ugly countenance.

'I ....don't....know, Father said to wait until he teaches me properly so that I don't scare any tiny animals'replied young Simba.
'Tututut....Scar tutted impatiently,clearly annoyed, but he soon regained his composure and smiled wretchedly. 'Imagine you already learning how to Roar like the 'prince' you are and showing your father how quickly you can master anything you set your mind to and getting applauded greatly by your father,mother AND Nala. You can finally prove how better you are than her'.
Simba retorted'Um, I AM better than her'
He hesitated for a little while and agreed readily.If It meant he could prove his superiority over Nala and the other cubs, then he would gladly do it. Simba stopped low in a stance and roared,the roar wasn't much,but it echoed,loud and clear, again and again and again until scar chuckled and Simba could hear a distant noise of a great number of hooves coming closer and closer. Soon in the distance a herd of wildebeests were rushing here and there and running through the narrow gorge. Scar had already reached the top of the gorge and was looking at the sky,like it was the most exquisite thing in the world. Simba, being a mere naive cub, shouted'Uncle Scar,Help me ! Help Me! ' Scar reached out his hand but it wasn't long enough to reach Simba 's tiny hands. Scar shed crocodile tears 'My dearest nephew, I'm sorry this poor uncle is incapable of aiding you in your worst moments' Simba stopped momentarily as he could make out a thin silhouette of a yellow animal running amongst the wildebeests and screaming "SIMBA!" He roared enormously as one of the wildebeests horns cut through his royal hide and a few drops of blood spilled out. It was Mufasa,the king of pridelands.
'DAD!' whimpered Simba,stuck in a ledge in the steep gorge. Mufasa tried to reach towards him and caught hold of a rock, trying to get a grip on the hill. Mufasa left no stone unturned to help Simba to safety.
When he asked Scar for help Scar simply looked at his nails like it was more essential than his only brother who would be dead if he didn't help him RIGHT THEN.....'SCAR!!!!!!' Mufasa growled as Scar dug his nails into Mufasa 's Hands. "LONG LIVE THE KING".It turned fuzzy And the whole world plunged into darkness.When Simba woke up,he was being nursed to health in his own room at Pride Palace. A few lionesses and lions were muttering inconspicuously. Simba could barely make out the outline of his mother's worn out nd weary figure.He quickly sat up and asked for his father's whereabouts.
Sarabi hesitated;"your Dad is.....fine"
Simba threw off the bedsheets and rushed to his father's room,only to find it empty. Shouts and screams of protest were coming from the court room. Simba peeked and got hit by a tomato"GIVE OUR KING BACK,BRING HIM BACK, TRAITOR, MURDERER! Throw the betrayer our of the Kingdom! Simba quickly hid himself and began listening to the unknown man sitting on the throne"SILENCE!" He roared,We are gathered here to cele- ahem I mean gRiEvE the death of King Mufasa, it's most unruly of his son, prince Simba to murder him while the King was doing his usual rounds around the kingdom with prime minister Zazu.Bexause of this unfortunate accident I,SCAR will be taking over the Imperial Throne from today onwards! Any questions????he drawled on.

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