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The holidays were stupid. They were stupid and people were stupid during them and Meredith wanted to kill the person who decided it would be a good idea to celebrate holidays by cooking turkeys and lighting trees and roasting chestnuts and all the other stupid things people did that caused them to be seriously injured. Today was the first time in over two weeks she had actually seen her bed. She felt like hell. Or no, she felt worse than hell because hell suggested she might have a desire to get out of her bed. Which she didn't. Her entire body hurt. It hurt and her stomach was turning and as much as they were supposed to be celebrating Christmas or something she really just wanted to sleep. Being an intern was the stupidest thing she'd ever done. Leave it to her to get sick the week of Christmas. Leave it to her to catch a stomach flu that left her so sick and so tired that she wanted to keel over and die. She hadn't actually thrown up yet, but if the nausea was any sign, it was coming. And if it was coming...she had to be at work at six in the morning. Which just wasn't enough time. She wanted to sleep, for hours and hours.

Someone needed to create a cure for the flu. It was as simple as that. Not some stupid needle that she hadn't gotten yet this year because who ever heard of the flu going around this early, but an actual cure. They needed to find something to give people that would make it all go away because people weren't children and they couldn't take a week off life. But at least she somehow had Christmas off. Or Anti-Chirstmas as her best friend was calling it. There weren't any trees up, no lights, and they had rented a ton of movies from the Action/Horror section to watch instead of stupid movies. And instead of Christmas cookies, Cristina was chewing on fried chicken. Which made Meredith want to hurl all over the place. She'd just go to bed early. Maybe if she actually got some sleep tonight she'd be feeling a lot better by the morning. Lexie was coming over later but they could both leave early and she'd just sleep. Sleep sounded more than a little amazing and it was probably what she needed. She even had some flu meds somewehere that would probably just knock her out.

In the meantime, she'd curl up in bed with her friend and celebrate anti-Christmas. She was actually looking forward to the new year, the year when she'd start actually being a surgeon, with interns and everything. As much as she bitched, she loved her job and it was amazing. So once Christmas was over and the flu was gone, she could go right back to being excited for everything.

"You're boring," Cristina sighed.


"You're boring. You're just laying there and...groaning."

"I'm not groaning!" she groaned.

"Yeah, you are."

"No I'm...okay, maybe I am," Meredith frowned. "But you try having the stomach flu and PMS at the same time."

"I could handle it."

"Yeah, right. Bloating and nausea. Cramps and body pains. It sucks ass, Cristina."

"And you're a wuss."

"Did I mention that I'm so exhausted that I almost fell into a patient yesterday?"


"Bitch," Meredith groaned. "And I didn't realize I was supposed to be entertaining you. I thought that's why you pulled out my mom's surgery tapes because apparently Kill Bill isn't gory enough for you."

"That is true," Cristina smirked. "Your mom probably didn't bitch about a stomach flu."

"Yeah, well, when I was seven and had appendicitis, my mom thought I was being weak because I didn't want to go to school with a painful stomach. She apparently almost gave birth to me on an OR floor."

"She was hardcore," Cristina smiled.

"Yeah, she was," Meredith breathed.

"How do you not watch these all the time?"

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