Chapter 29- Over Again

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Tyler's POV (Omar).

"What do you dream of?"
I rose my eyebrow at Whitney who drank from a glass of wine

Jane had dismissed the staff for the week to have some time to relax, Whitney, Samuel, Zac, Thomas and I were the only ones left in the palace.

I leant back on the stool and crossed my arms
"I dream about everything" I giggled
Whitney rolled her eyes
"What would you want to be, where do you dream of going?"

I placed my arms on the countertop
"I dream of travelling, and going to Paris."
I felt hands on my waist and Samuel placed a kiss on my exposed shoulder, I currently had lost my shirt in Samuel's room this morning. I just couldn't be bothered putting it on again.

"Hi" He mumbled
I leant my head against his and focused my attention back to Whitney

"What about you?" She placed her glass on the bench and mirrored my action
"Honestly, Id like to go to Scotland. The green fields and just the environment is so beautiful." I hummed as Samuel pulled away and went over to the fridge

"What about you sir samuel. Where do you deam of going?" Thomas pitched in appearing from the living room. I laughed at the nickname

"I dream of going to hell". My juice was spat over the countertop
"Excuse me!" Whitney's head snappef around so quickly.
"No, you idiots." He shut the fridge with a beer in hand.

He pulled out his phone and slid it on the bench
"Hell, Its a place in England. With a blue lagoon and roses as far as the eye can see. Its really beautiful actually."
(not a real place)
I rolled my eyes and grabbed his phone to take a closer look

"Huh, would you look at that." I smiled and sneakly exited the photo and scrolled through the rest of his camera roll
I rose an eyebrow at the dozens of photos of me sleeping.

"Why do you have so many photos of me?" I asked as Samuel grabbed his phone back
"Because you're cute when you sleep."
I scoffed
"So im ugly when im awake!? Thanks" I crossed my arms and pouted.

He made his way around the bench and wrapped his arm around my shoulder
"You are cute and beautiful all the time, especially under me" His voice was low and His lips lingered by my earlobe and he abruptly pulled away and walked up the stairs giving me a wink as he disappeared behind the wall.

My mouth dropped open.
"What?" Whitney asked with a mouthful of food
"No he fucking didn't" I mumbled and quickly jumped off the stool and ran up the stairs following Samuel.

He wasn't in the hallway
I walked down the hall checking the bedroom first.
I hummed in thought and went to the office next
I pushed the door open and Samuel's head lifted from the paperwork on the desk
"Can I help you?" I pushed myself against the door and shut it behind me
He watched my hand closely as I slid the lock closed

"Don't give me that shit" I stared down his gaze
His lips turned into a smirk and he placed the pen down and leant back in the chair.
"Don't do what?" I slowly walked closer to the desk
"It's not fair to slide in turn ons in a complement." He rose an eyebrow

"I did?" I placed my hand on my chest and slid my fingers down my abs and hooked the band of my sweatpants
"What are you doing over there baby?" His voice dropped in tone.

"Why?" I asked still moving my hands over my body, I decided to lean my head back at a slow pace
"Because I asked you" Samuel's demanding voice was laced with lust, the musty scent of arousal filled the room quickly.

I hummed ignoring his question and pushed my sweats off my body,
My erection sprung free as I had no breifs on once again
I dug my toes into the fluffy red rug under my feet
Samuel stood from the chair, his palms placed flat on the desk

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