Chapter 2

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Bee stared at the guy standing in front of her. He seemed kind and sweet. However the huge scar across his eye did catch her attention and she cocked her head a bit as she waited for a response.

        "Oh...hi. I'm Xylon Phoenix." He blinked and looked down at her hand for a moment before he reached forward and grabbed it firmly, giving it a shake. His hand was warm. She expected it to be cold, based on how he looked. But no, it was warm.

        "Nice to meet you." She smiled at him again. "Sorry for bumping into you." Bee paused and her tone became more stern. "And sorry for her." She side eyed her friend, Bell, who was sitting in the chair she most definitely took from him.

        "No, no. It's fine." Xylon laughed nervously and shook his head slightly. Bee was about to say something else to keep the conversation going, but he walked away from her and sat down next  to what she either thought was his brother or friend. Another girl was there too, and she started whispering with the two of them.

        Bee sighed softly and then sat down by her friend, fixing the ends of her hair.

        "Good work. He definitely really liked you." Bell looked over at her and smirked, her elbows propped up on the counter.

"The only reason he was thrown off is because you stole his damn chair." Bee glared over at her friend. Bell simply put her hands in the air and raised her eyebrows in a sarcastic way.

Bee then hauled her bag onto the counter, taking her laptop out of it. She set it up on the platform and opened it, typing in her password. She then heard the soft scoff of her friend.

"You seriously brought that stupid ass computer to the bar?" Bringing her drink to her mouth, Bell sipped from the top, licking her lips afterwards. "You'd think you would have gotten enough of it by now."

Bee shook her head gently in an effort to ignore the criticism. Everyone had been saying that to her lately. Her mother, her father, her friends Vivian and Heath, and now Bell.

        They probably think I'm going mental. She thought to herself. Maybe I am.

        "I'm just trying to learn about this masked freak. Everyone is talking about them. You should keep up, Bell." She retorted without taking her eyes off of the screen. She opened Google and started searching the web for any type of answers.

        Bell rolled her eyes and said nothing back. She continued to sip her drink until she called the bartender over for another.

        "Hey, you're researching the masked person too?" Xylon's voice startled her. She jumped and looked over her shoulder at him. He was carrying two drinks, presumably for his friends he had come with.

        Bee found herself staring at the scar across his right eye. How in the ever loving hell did he get that nasty thing? She soon realized she was being rude and she shook her head, clearing her throat as she zoned back in.

        "Sorry," she began, "but yeah, I do. I'm really curious. Especially with all the-"

        "Crime." He finished her sentence for her, giving her a little smile. She found a smile tugging at her lips as well as she stared back at him.

        Finally! Someone who gets me. He wouldn't nag at me constantly.

"Yeah. Exactly." She laughed gently, turning her chair around to face him all the way. She was prepared to take the conversation further, but a voice hollered from a few chairs over.

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