Chapter 5

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        "Okay, here." Chandler's voice called from the kitchen as he entered the living room with two plates of waffles. He set each plate down carefully, one in front of Alva, and one in front of Aurora.

        "Are you sure you don't want any?" He then asked to Xylon and Echo, who were sitting on the couch not that far away.

        "I'm okay." Xylon gave him a small smile and nodded.

        "I'm alright as well, thanks Chandler." Echo replied, giving a soft wave of her slim hand.

        "Thanks, Chandler." Alva spoke this time, looking up at him and giving a kind soft smile.

        "Yeah, thanks." Aurora murmured. It was the first time she had spoken since she had woken up. Chandler exchanged a surprised glance with Xylon before he smiled gently.

        "Yeah, no problem." He responded softly, as if he didn't want to spook her anymore than she already was.

        "So...If you don't mind me asking," Xylon began, turning his body to face the table with the two girls and Chandler, "what did the woman attacking you look like? Do you remember?"

        Aurora tensed and paused for a moment, tapping her fork against the edge of her plate, but she continued eating after a moment. Alva glanced at her sister sympathetically before her gaze swiveled to Xylon.

        "Like I said, it was dark, so it was hard to see. But...I do remember she had dark hair. And I'm pretty sure her eyes were blue. They stood out against the darkness." She described, her gaze going distant as if she was trying to recall every detail of the encounter.

        "Ah...okay," Xylon whispered carefully, "what was she wearing?"

        "Since when did you become a private investigator?" Chandler side eyed him from the table, cocking his head to the side.

        His comment made Echo giggle and Xylon rolled his half-working eyes, shooting him a look to make him shut up.

        "Uh...I don't remember. It wasn't anything crazy though. It did blend in with the night, so it was darker colors, I just don't remember what exactly she had on." Alva then put another small bite of the waffle into her mouth with her fork.

        "That's okay. It all happened very fast." Xylon nodded at her, but Aurora spoke as soon as his sentence left his lips.

        "I know what she was wearing."

        The room went silent and exchanged glances before Alva blinked in confusion and looked over at her sister.

        "You do?" She asked, appalled. Aurora only nodded and said nothing more, eating some more of the waffle.

        "Well...what was she wearing?" Echo asked after a moment of confused and surprised silence.

        "She had gray sweatpants on, they only reached about halfway down her calves though. And she had a black polo shirt on." She paused, staring at nothing for a moment before continuing. "Then she had this necklace. It was very pretty. It was golden and it had a blue teardrop shaped pendant in the middle."

        Smart girl. Xylon thought in surprise. That was a very detailed description.

        "You should take that to the police!" Chandler suggested with a smile. "That way they can start looking for that maniac!"

        Alva looked at him and started to nod in agreement but Aurora slammed her hands down on the table and stood up. Chandler winced and leaned away sharply, his eyes wide. Xylon jumped and tensed his shoulders. He hated loud noises. Echo then moved closer to him as everyone stared at Aurora.

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