Chapter 4

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"Bee, dear, wake up!" The loud and energetic voice made Bee jump and sit up sharply. Her gaze darted to the person in her doorway.

"Oh...hi, dad." She smiled as her father, Cullen, stood and gave her a wave.

"Hi there, sweetheart. Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." He apologized, talking a little bit quieter now that he noticed Bell was still sleeping.

"It's okay," Bee smiled at him before also looking over at Bell. "I'll meet you and mom downstairs in a minute." She told him, giving him a kind smile. He nodded and softly closed the door behind him as he started downstairs.

Bee then gently shook her friend's shoulders, softly repeating her name in an effort to wake her up.

Bell shifted after a moment and groaned softly as she sat up and looked around the room.

"Wha...? Yeah, Bee? What time is it?" She looked at her friend and rubbed one of her tired eyes before moving her hair behind her ears.

"It's 9am." Bee told her after a quick glance at her watch. "Cmon, we're going downstairs." She flipped the blanket back and then got out of the bed. Walking over to the door, she opened it and stepped out into the hallway, Bell following behind her groggily.

Bee then turned and headed down the stairway, into the living room where her parents were. Her father was sitting on one side of the couch, however, her mother was on the opposite side. Bee blinked in confusion but brushed it off quickly.

"Guys, can I walk Bell home?" She asked softly, watching Bell put her boots on at the front door. Her father quickly spoke.

"Bee, sweetie, can you take the car? It would be safer. I don't want anything happening to you or your friend." He suggested, motioning to the table behind the couch where the keys lay.

Bee opened her mouth to speak but her mother was quicker.

"Cullen, it's broad daylight. Nobody will get her. Just let her go, it's not that far anyways." There was annoyance in her voice, and her eyes were cold. It made the whole atmosphere uncomfortable, but no one said a thing.

After a moment, Bee's father nodded and sighed gently.

"Fine. You can walk. Just please check in and be careful." He told her, looking over and tilting his head before sipping some of his coffee.

        She smiled and thanked him, promising to be careful before her and Bell walked outside, shutting the door behind them. They started down the sidewalk.

        Bell pulled out her phone as it buzzed rather harshly. Annoyedly, she silenced it and prepared to put it back in her pocket, but she paused. Bee glanced at her and then cocked her head.

        "What? What is it?" She peered over her friend's shoulder in an effort to read the screen as they walked.

        "It says that someone filed a missing persons report for two girls. Aurora Grant and Alva Grant." Bell looked up from her phone and locked gazes with Bee.

        Another missing persons report? Soon there will be no one left to go missing! Bee thought anxiously, shaking her head gently before looking ahead.

       Bell sighed and then put her phone away. She didn't say anything but Bee could tell she was sick and tired of living in this town, where at any moment you could go missing.

        They walked for a bit in silence, listening to the sounds of wind softly rattling the trees.

"Bell! Bee!" The voice behind them made Bee jump and look over her shoulder. There was Vivian and Heath. Vivian had been the one speaking.

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