Ep 4: Debut of Melon Girl

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The scene starts at Peach's Castle, then zooms in to the doors with Mario coming out of them and synchronizing the background music of DAGames' Baldi's Basics song, You're Mine, playing with each step until the Happy Mask Man looks at Mario, snickering as Mario notices and looks at him.

Mario: Hello?

Happy Mask Man: This world has met with a terrible fate haven't it?

Mario: What the hell you talking about?

He then gets hit by a background.

Happy Mask Man: But that's a fate you can avoid when you buy one of my coronavirus masks!

Mario ignores his offer and checks his bag with other masks, tossing them out, he chooses a Pikachu mask,


Happy Mask Man slaps the Pikachu mask away from Mario

Happy Mask Man: NO! Those masks are not for sale! I haven't sold any of them ever since... The incident...

Mario ignores his warnings and searches deeper, he tosses Majora's Mask and comes to life and then dances away from Happy Mask Man, which angers him and grabs Mario by the neck.

Happy Mask Man: See what you've done! These masks are dangerous and not to be touched!

He drops Mario and goes after Majora's Mask, Mario gets back up and searches deeper in the bag, finding a mask of himself.

Mario: Ooooh! Let's-a Go!

He puts on the mask, but no effect has happened, then throws the mask to the ground

Mario: It's busted!

After he walks away to the castle and went in, Luigi discovers the mask and puts it on.

Luigi: Look, I'm Mario! Howdy Howdy Howdy!

Then the mask sends him into a dark dimension.

Luigi: WAH, Oh no!

A clone of Mario's surrounds him.

Luigi: Ma-Mario?!


Luigi runs away in terror, the Mario mask takes over Luigi's body.

Luigi(Mask Mario): Say ima hungry!

Then he did a BLJ and dash away.

In Peach's Castle

The scene shows Axol, Yuki, Melony, who are talking, and Meggy, who is reading a newspaper.

Axol: Awwwwe C'moooonnnn, You can be best girl, I promise!

The silence came from Melony.

Yuki: I know you want to try your best to make her become waifu, but I wasn't sure how.

Axol: Come on, anything could happen. It's not like a mask of Fierce Deity came on her and transform.

Yuki: I feel like it's gonna jinx it.

Then Mario came to the room.

Mario: What's up, bitches?

Then he heard Luigi come inside as Meggy looked at him.

Luigi(Mario Mask): I ATE A BABY!

Yuki: Wait what-

Then he dances while giving the double middle finger.

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