doobie and spliff

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I guess the cool thing about having four arms is you can play guitar and bass at the same time. Of course, I had to teach Angel Dust both parts but somehow we managed to catch on quickly. After the whole "drag bar" incident, Angel and I had actually started hanging out more. I still don't know if I'd call him my friend, but his presence doesn't piss me off anymore. Since that night when I introduced him to Panic! At The Disco, Angel got interested in the music I listen to, and I knew I had to show him the Foo Fighters.

By the time the song ends, the both of us are tired. "So, how'd I do?" Angel asks. "Well, you're no Chris Shiflett or Nate Mendel, but you're pretty damn good." I reply. I take a sip of the water bottle I sat on the dresser and grab my box. There's only two sticks left. I take the first one and give the second one to Angel Dust. "Alright, I'm heading out." I say. "Where you heading?" Angel asks. "Stash is out. Gotta go see Spliffy." I reply. "Oh, bring me back some good shit." Angel asks, half jokingly, half serious. "No promises." I reply, opening the door to see Vaggie standing in my way. "Where do you think you're going?" She asks like she's my parole officer or something. "Fuck, do you have anything better to do than bother me?" I ask her, moving past her and making my way to the lobby. "Well, you're trying to leave past curfew, which is not allowed." Vaggie says like I don't know the rules. "Oh I know, I just don't give a fuck." I retort, moving faster down the stairs. "That's not funny." Vaggie says. "I wasn't joking." I reply, reaching the door. Vaggie slams it shut the minute I open it. "You realize you're walking on thin ice, right? You're still doing drugs, which I've told you a million times, is prohibited in the Hotel, you're not showing up to any of your classes, which are now mandatory for all employees as well, you sneak out late at night... are you even trying to redeem yourself?" Vaggie lists off my recurring accomplishments. "You know what, 'One-Eyed Willy'? Maybe I am trying to get redeemed, maybe I'm not. But that's something for me to decide, not you." I say, moving past Vaggie and out the door.. "You know I have to tell Charlie about this, right?" She says. "Look, I don't give a shit, just stay out of my business! Fuck, man!" I shout at her as she closes the door. I roll my eyes and head toward Spliff's house.

For those of you who haven't been paying any attention, Spliff is my drug dealer. Yeah, I know originally when he called me "Doobie" that was just a code between us, but since then, Doobie and Spliff kind of evolved into more like nicknames we've given each other. I've said before, that I trust Spliff more than I do my own family, more than I do everyone at the Hotel, which may surprise you because he's like the shadiest dude, but its true. If I had to put my life in anyone's hands but my own, it'd be Spliff. I actually know his address because of a joke. I said that if I ever need weed and he wasn't in the usual spot, that I'd find his house and we'd deal there. He thought that would be funny so he just gave me his address. Recently there's been a turf war between some pyromaniac chick and some regal douchebag over by our usual spot, so he said it was cool if I met up at his house. I arrive at the house and knock on the door. It opens and Spliff is looking back at me. "Doobie?" he asks, slightly surprised. "Spliff." I reply. "Hey, man, what's up?" He asks me. "The same old shit. I'm out of sticks, and that's the only thing keeping me sane at that fucking hotel." I say, showing Spliff the empty box. "Oh, man, we can't have that." Spliff asks. I hand him some money, and he takes my box in the back and fills it with good quality weed. The deal is as simple as that.

I sit down on the couch while I wait and look around his place. If it wasn't such a mess, it'd look like a decent apartment. And let me tell you something, for people like me and Spliff, decent is equivalent to a fucking castle. As Spliff has told me before, being a drug dealer doesn't pay as good as you think it does, so its almost like a milestone achievement that Spliff has a place like this. No leaking water, no fucking rodent problems, the electricity works, I bet you Charlie wouldn't know what that shit's like.

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