«⟨ Description! {I promised, didn't I} ⟩»

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Because this description is so long, sorry about that, I decided to split it up to multiple sections. So, here's the order of the sections:

1. How this universe works
2. Now, to the actual storyline
3. Extra details

How this univers works:

In this world, everybody is born with special powers. There are four different categories of abilities someone can have, those categories being compared to the seasons so they were named the same.

People born with summer abilities either have the power of fire or light.

People born with spring abilities either have the power of earth or energy.

People born with autumn abilities either have the power of air or water.

People born with winter abilities either have the power ice or dark.

Although, this will only show as they grow up. It is usually only shown once they become around the age 16. This is because their bodies have to fully adjust to the power so the person holding it won't get hurt using it. Humans have gained these abilities over many years to protect themselves from their predators. With human evolution, all of those predators have unfortunately been killed unless they are in captivity, because shitty humans tend to have more power. (No offence to those nice people with power. I bet y'all are actually really nice.) So yeah, they're not around anymore to be worried about, but there are still animals that can kill humans. They're just way less threatening.

Anyway, unfortunately, with how humanity is, stereotypes come with this new information.

Before we continue to explain that, you must know one other part. There are four kingdoms. They each represent their own seasonal power. So far, all of the kings and queens were corrupt, the others being taken out of the royal family for not being proper royalty material.

Within these kingdoms, there would be smaller, lesser, leaders maintaining sections of the land. They were way less cares for, as in they had less expectations upon themselves as leaders than the royal families.

Such expectations put onto the royal families are their seasonal ability must match the kingdom, and if it doesn't then they are executed. There's also the fact that if they are apart of the LGBTQ community there is a high chance they'll be kicked out of the royal family. There's other expectations as well but if they matter it'll come up later, although those ones have loosened up a bit.

Since they are all corrupt, and there's major stereotypes, they had decided to create rules to keep these stereotypes.

Here's general descriptions of these stereotypes:

They are the most popular "season", and they only become friends with other summers. They must always act happy, cheerful, and smile around people. They'll generally wear brighter and more colorful clothing. They get along with everyone except for winters.

They are generally liked by everyone, but when it comes to popularity, they get overlooked by the summers. They only make friends with other springs and autumns. Their personalities are like summers, but more energetic, causing people to think that they're more annoying. They wear clothes bright, colorful, and extremely bold to "embrace the new". Everybody enjoys being around them, but they don't like winters.

They're less noticed than springs and summers, generally only making friends with other autumns and springs. They're generally calm and happy. They wear more take cloths, still decently colorful, but not too bright and bold. Only springs and other autumns enjoy their company, and they won't really socialize with winters like springs and summers.

They're practically ignored by all other seasons, disliked by them. They acted more depressed and emotionless than anyone else. They wear dull clothes, barely any colors in their clothing. They are only able to make friends with other winters, mainly because no other seasons are willing to be friends with them.

Now, to the actual storyline!:

The age for the princes and princesses of the kingdoms to get their season is coming up. Four of these people are best friends, even if the next few days will make it seem almost impossible for that to happen.

These four members of royalty are Russia, America, North Korea, and Isana (I made up Isana and one of my friends made up the name). These four had been friends since elementary, and they've been in the same school as each other since then. In fact, they go to school with non-royalty.

Once it was time, they finally got their seasonal power. Unfortunately, all their powers would've gotten them executed if they didn't hide them. So, that's just what they do.

The question is, how can, it will, they keep thier disguises up?

Extra details:

This story might focus mostly around America and Isana, but I'm not entirely sure.

I might also add parts that are/have song lyrics. I will tell you what the lyrics are/song is.

I'll put the warnings for each chapter at the beginning. If y'all would prefer them to be here as well, just let me know and I'll, most likely, do it.

If y'all want me to try and add a country into the story, just comment which country and how you'd like them to act.

Also, friendly criticism, writing tips/ideas, and spelling corrections are always welcome, but NO hate! If you don't like this story just leave, simple as that.

Final thing, if you have any questions about the story/universe, just ask and I'll try my best to answer!

Anyway, onto the story in the next chapter!

The Hidden Seasons☀️🌷☃️🍁 «⟨ On Pause ⟩»Where stories live. Discover now