A/N «⟨ Character Layout ⟩»

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«⟨ Okie, so, since this story is technically still developing, I decided to allow you guys to request some characters be in the story.

If you would like a chance for them to be in the story, you'll have to fill out a suggestion form!

You could also suggest how a character from the character list in the last chapter is made! Although, with that, I might just take bits and pieces and it's less likely I'll take it. Still not zero chance though.

Anyway, here's the form thingy: ⟩»











«⟨ For family and down, it can be none. Of course, you can put why there's none there if you'd like, but you don't have to. If I really need it I'll go ahead and ask you or improvise.

Also, as you all probably expect, they have to be a country human. If you want, they can be an OC. For an OC, I would like to be able to see a drawing of what they look like, or a description, but if that can't happen, it's fine.

So ye, that's it! If you want an example you can go ahead and look at the character info for America and China in the last chapter.

Sooooooo, use it or leave it, I'll still make the story either way. Anyway, I guess see y'all next time! ⟩»


Published: August 12, 2022

Words: 250

The Hidden Seasons☀️🌷☃️🍁 «⟨ On Pause ⟩»Where stories live. Discover now