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After I had been given A tour and said my goodbyes to my mom I decided just to go back to my room I got given a uniform as the price is coming tomorrow. As if life couldn't get more hectic I lay down on my bed I had a room to myself as I was new and it was one of the only available rooms left I let pablo out and set up his cage I gave him some food then decided to play a bit of guitar while I waited for dinner it was only 5:00 and dinner is at 6 so I had quite some time I decided to play new flesh by current joys

I was playing until about 5:30 when I heard a knock at my door I was confused as I hadn't left my room since I got here but I hesitated then opened it ofc it was August
He leaned against the door "hey"
"Um hello do you want something"
"Just reminding you about dinner"
"Ok cool got can leave now"
"Anddd I was wondering if you wanna come to a welcome party for the prince tomorrow"
"Um ok yeah sure I'll see"
"Cool see ya" he winked at me then ran off down the hall

I just got invited to a party

At dinner I sat by myself no one talked to me and to be honest I preferred it that way I couldn't be bothered with people at the moment,I just wanted to rest as I knew tomorrow would be busy.


I woke up 5:45am ugh why did I wake up so early i decided to grab a book IT by Stephen king I had read this book 100s of Times but it was a good book so I just read through my favourite bits until I decided to go on my skateboard around the gardens as they were very pretty and I needed some fresh air

I went down the straight path I felt a weight in my pocket and I realised I had a pack of cigarettes in my pocket. I never usually smoked it's just I got given one after my dad died and well I realised it helps in moments well moments like these. I inhaled the smoke and it started to numb the pain I closed my eyes, I was in a moment of relaxation until I heard some footsteps behind me I swore under my breath
"Shit" I put out my cigarette and turned around
It was August that DARN boy was starting to get on my nerves
"Hello what are you doing up this early"
"I went for some fresh air" he sat down next to me
"Cool I didn't know u skate"
"Um well yeah I guess you want something in particular"
"No not really just letting you know you will need to get changed into your uniform soon as the price is coming today" he had a smile on his face i over heard from breakfast that he was like his cousin or something.

I went back to my dorm and got changed and got my makeup on. I still had a few minutes so I decided to hold pablo for a bit and then go down for breakfast.

We were lead to this hall place were I sat at third row to the front by the wall I rested my head against the wall while I waited. Then finally we were ordered to stand up to be honest this was all new to me I had no idea what was going on.

Bro omg the price is kinda yk like scrummy if yk what I mean😏😏😅

He gave me a glance we made eye contact for about half a second but if felt like half an hour I looked back down at my feet as my face turned a deep shade of red as o was just processing WYF JUST HAPPENED

long ish Chappy today it's like late so I will update tmrw but hope u guys r doing well I promise we will meet the price soon <3

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