Chapter two - my new life (apparently)

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When I entered the common room, all that was over the walls was about them welcoming the new teacher. And that's- that's reasonable since they started today.

What I don't understand is that they gave the welcome card without me (it was now 07:18 am since i also read a bit more about my apperant "saving" yesterday)

"Hey! What are you guys doing? I haven't signed the welcoming card!" I questioned.

"Who are y- oh my god! Aren't you the girl who stopped a robbery yesterday?! Why- why are you here? You don't work here." Crystal explained.

"What? No, I work here! I left just around five yesterday since i had tests to grade!" I claimed.

"Mmm.. nope, I did not see you yesterday, did anyone else?" Thomas replied, as roughly as usual.
No, no no, much nicer than usual.
"Now if you don't mind, we have to welcome someone." He continued.

"What are you guys talking about?" Jasmine asked whilst coming with a cup of coffee. That just made my day even weirder since she hates coffee.

"Why is everyone so weird?! Crystal isn't a stuck up brat, Thomas actually thought about the tone and now Jasmine is drinking coffee?! WHAT HAS HAPPENED?!" I surprised myself with the volume of my voice. I suppose I was worried that since everyone else had suddenly changed, our sweet and kind Jasmine would also be gone, just like my knowledge about the situation was at the moment.

"Why are you yelling? A-and how do you know our names..?" Angela questioned.

"Because I. work. here! And I am not having my record of absence being ruined by you guys pulling some weird ass joke on me! Just don't drag Jasmine into it next time!"

"What do you mean "drag"?" Jasmine answered in a tone I never thought I would hear from HER.

"And what do you mean joke? We don't even know you, lady! Listen, we're honoured to have a newly found celebrity at our school, but if anyone, you're the one pulling a prank!" Angela said, defending?! everyone.

"I- I wouldn't pull a prank, nor tell a simple joke with out knowing you guys would be okay with it."

"Okay weirdo! Thank you for stopping a robbery, now shoo!" Jasmine said, earning her a light smack in the back of her head from the new teacher.
"You can't just say that to her!" She practically hissed at Jasmine.

I couldn't take more of this and just went out of there, feeling sad for the first time in weeks.

I still could not piece together how this whole thing happened. I had a normal day and I did not even wish for a "new" or "more exciting" life, but no, that just happens in movies. So that wouldn't be the case even if I had wished for it.

I kept pondering over everything as I left the school grounds, starting to believe that this wasn't some stupid prank, somehow.

When I got back to my apartment I just hopped onto my bed and was still trying to put the pieces together.

I pulled out a whiteboard in which i had only used once and started a little- sightseeing mission.

Obviously something weird has happened, whether it's a blessing, nightmare, wish I didn't know I had and so on. After 15 minutes, I found myself with the following:

1. whether it's a prank or not is super unclear. though, how would my colleagues get the NEWS in on it?

2. it happened after I fell asleep last night and it went unnoticed for everyone except me (if it even was some world swapping thing, which I highly doubt)

"But what if..." I mumbled to myself, starting to question every thing explained by science.

"No." I shook off those ridiculous thoughts and looked at the time. Normally, I would be in a class at the moment, though it still felt right to leave the school grounds, in a weird way..

I was caught off guard by hearing something, it was faint at first and I didn't really think much of it.
But then it got closer and closer by each passing second. It sounded like two people walking.

I flipped the whiteboard around and went back on my bed. At this point I wasn't as shocked as I would've been on a normal day, with no weird interactions with my colleagues, no fake news, just- my life.

By the time the door had started to slowly open, I had laid down and turned against the wall away from the door that led into my room.

I had to get my act together in case they were here for- there's no explanation to breaking into a apartment other than robbery and kidnapping! Or a surprise thingy by friends.. but I barely even had people on my side, and the only person who was in this town that did that was at school, probably showing the new teacher around, so that could not have been the case.

I closed my eyes and tried to listen to the movements. There was a small sigh of relief and then I heard whispers, I could hear movements very well but whispering was just not my area so I didn't know what to expect.

To my surprise, I heard someone crouch beside me and I could feel the person's eyes on me whilst i felt another pair looking at me repeatedly with uneven breaks.

"From what I see, our angel is sleeping" I could hear the person beside me say in a low and soft voice.

"She has deceived people before. We can't know for sure if the goddess in front of us is just acting due to you being too loud and eager for this" I heard a stern and annoyed voice say from at the end of my bed, somehow.. that reminded me of someone, but I just couldn't place my finger on it.

"Easily fixed. Sedative is such a life saver sometimes, right?" The voice beside me commented.

"Yeah yeah, just hurry up. I don't want any other creep than you looking at her." The person on the end of my bed said, as sternly as before.

When she was done berating her partner in crime, I could feel that whoever was beside me just wanted to start a fight with the other person. Though they didn't, incase I actually was asleep.

After that I could barely hear their voices, they kept getting further and further away yet I still felt them looking at me. They had used the sedative.

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