Chapter thirty six - hitting a memory

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"In other words. You stopped being the center of attention so instead you wanted to boss people around?" Carmella asked with a smirk.
"Sure, I got a little upset after mom and dad stopped paying as much attention to me, but I never liked being the center of attention, it just comes automatically so I stopped trying to not stick out." I answered. "And you'll stick out even more then me since you'll never go missing or be found dead." I continued.
"Well damn. Can't wait to get this side of you head over heels in love." Jasmine said.
"Ah well, it'll take a little more now. Don't ask me how it's harder when you don't kidnap me, I don't know either." I said and Jasmine looked over at Carmella who shook her head.
"She didn't tell me, I figured out on my own." I answered the obvious question and took the lollipop out of my mouth.
"And how'd that happen?" Jasmine said and sat next to me.
"I just pay attention. As well as I payed attention when you were on my shoulder so I heard you yawn five times before falling asleep." I answered and crossed my arms. Jasmine unfolded them as she had started sitting on my lap.
"Awh, A Baker is on my lap, to what do I owe the pleasure?~" I asked teasingly (note from creator, i tried going back to make sure jasmines surname is actually baker, but i could not fucking find it)
"Never going to get used to that..." Jasmine mumbled, I smiled and she took out the lollipop out of my hand.
"No- don't-" I started but she had already put it in her mouth. I sighed and went into the kitchen to get her a glass of water. When I came back the spices were obviously getting to her.
"Here's a tip, don't take anything I am eating without seeing how i made it." I said and handed her the glass. She drank as much as she could without looking "weak" even though it was like ten different spices on the lollipop. I rolled my eyes at that horrible acting and put my fingers on the end of the cup, forcing her to drink more. I sat in the seat next to Jasmine and Carmella looked at me, her eyes looked starstruck and if she just gained more trust in me caring for them.
"Alright, settle down, it's not revolutionary news..." I mumbled and looked out the window.
"I never said anything!" Carmella said back.
"Body language also reveals stuff, like estimated weight, current feelings, bla bla bla. I quickly started picking up on body language when I was learning." I answered.
"We know. You're a nerd killer." Jasmine said and rolled her eyes. I looked at her.
"Last I remember, your father got sent to court for possibly intervening with my mother. Explains the anxiety you had through grade 10 to 12 until everyone dropped it." I said and forgot how badly she reacted to anyone bringing it up.
"You-" Jasmine started and Carmella had sprung up from her seat.
"I am so sorry! It's a reflex! I didn't mean to bring it up it just... Happened automatically.." I said and threw my head back in regret.
"You have a lot of reflexes, don't you Violet?" Jasmine said and was trying to ignore it. I nodded.
"Mhm.." I still had my head back regretting not stopping the words. Jasmine sat on my lap again and put her arms around my neck, making me look at her. She lifted my chin up and I raised and eyebrow.
"Kiss me and you have wasted an hour and forty five minutes of my life."
"Actually, three and a half hours." Carmella butted in.
"Holy shit..." I mumbled.
"Though we could go for your neck~" Jasmine started and slowly moved her head towards the shoulder with the hickey.
"I'd rather you not.."
"What's the matter? I'm not hurt because of what you brought up, after all, it was on instinct." Jasmine asked and looked at me.
"No matter. I just need to get ready to head out." I answered and tried getting out of the chair, my subconsciousness intervened again so I was forced to stay still.
"Bullshit. And it's not the first time, so do you even love us?" Jasmine asked and fake sniffled.
"Idiot. I don't at the moment." I answered and rolled my eyes. Jasmine kissed me, I looked at her as she put on an innocent smile.
"Dork." I said and kissed her back. She looked stunned the first second and then she gave in to the kiss. Carmella had her lips pouted in an angry/sad way when we were done.
"Awh, are you jealous?~" I asked.
"No.." Carmella replied. Jasmine got off my lap and took my hand, dragging me to Carmella and pushed me towards her. I sat down on Carmellas lap with my legs on either side of her. She started blushing a little and I kissed her, and god does it always feel right kissing them, no matter how intimate it gets or if it's just a peck. It always feels amazing. She pulled away and grinned.
"Thought your make up was important?" She asked. I shrugged.
"I've made a name for myself, anyone that I don't care about would be mental to disobey me. So I can come late to the event." I replied and kissed her again. She was startled the first two seconds and then she relaxed again. I moved out from the kiss and looked at her with a smirk, she was still blushing.
"Is this how you felt?- How the hell can so much be in such a tiny person?" Carmella asked. I kicked her ankle, with a little of the strength obviously not getting to the body part but she still winced.
"I could still tame a lion a few years back. So shut it." I got off her and crossed my arms.
"Wait what? You have tamed a fucking lion?!" Jasmine asked.
"His name was paw, but then Liz poured glitter on his paw, so she calls him "glitter" or "glitter paw" and I hate it." I explained.
"You and your family- so weird.." Jasmine mumbled

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