Chapter thirty four - more information

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Jasmine slid her hands around my waist and I got a little annoyed, but let it be.
"When did you get it?" Carmella asked, and I think she was taking advantage of my "new me" since she doesn't have to fight me flirtatiously to get an answer.
"When I was fourteen. Normally it wouldn't have mattered since I had dad who pulled strings so I got out of trouble, but I never really liked him doing that so, instead I forced Alex to make and sign a contract. He also benefits from it. Even though he really shouldn't." I replied and Jasmine pulled me closer whilst still holding my waist
"Okay what is up with you? You don't seem to be the "touchy unless it's sexual" type of girl." I got tired of her but kept my calm.
"I just wanna.." Jasmine mumbled and my subconsciousness took over again, made me chuckle and stand up, moving away from the railing so she could stand behind me and hug me from behind.
"She sometimes does it. So this isn't something that came out of the blue." Carmella explained and we continued our conversation. It was actually quite nice not having to stumble on a word every sentence.
"How'd you meet Shr- Helen. Damn it Violet." Carmella asked.
"Same day I met Jace." I answered and felt Jasmine hug me a but tighter.
"Aaand when was that? How'd you meet him?" Carmella followed up.
"Eighteen years ago, he pushed me down a slide, and Helen punched him so he fell down it." I explained.
"How many thought you'd end up with him?" Carmella asked.
"Well papa had hopes that I wouldn't fall in love with him. But I now love him like a brother. I came out on the deadline day. Or I would've been disowned. Never thought I'd be polyamorous though." I answered and got sidetracked.
"You said earlier that you have two father figures, and your biological father wasn't one of them. We know that the devil-." Carmella started but I cut her off.
"He prefers Lucifer, So I sometimes say Luci, because I can."
"Alright then. We know that Lucifer is one of them, but who's the other one?"
"One of dads fuck buddies." I replied and looked back at Jasmine, who had fallen asleep with her head on my shoulder. Other me appeared and did another circle with her finger, this time in the air. And Jasmine was gone.
"Don't worry, she's just in a guest bedroom." Other me explained before disappearing and I turned towards Carmella.
"Where'd she-"
"A guest bedroom." I replied and didn't want to worry Carmella. Even if I never really trusted other me (she had apperantly let me keep my feelings of trust towards her, but I still never trusted her completely) I suddenly mumbled Jasmines and Carmella's address.
"Where the hell did that come from?" She asked shocked.
"I don't- I don't know. I just remember running in that direction." I mumbled.
"Well, your mom said that you shouldn't be able to remember anything, Awh~ is your love for us breaking that?~" Carmella teased.
"I don't know. But I'm going to go get something to eat." I responded and started walking down the stairs. Carmella was quick to follow and we struck up another conversation. Once we got to the kitchen her mouth nearly flew open, it had stairs to the second floor so we had two kitchens, one upstairs and one downstairs. (My personal room was cut off from any connection to the other parts of the second floor.)
"Damn." Carmella got out.
"Eh, that's what happens when your family is billionaires. On their way to become trillionaires and what not." I shrugged it off and went to the pantry.
"You don't seem too happy. I get that just because you're freaking billionaires doesn't make you automatically happy but-"
"It had controlled my whole life and still does so I do as much as I can to get rid of that part. Thus why Jace started going on his vacations. Helen started hating me after I panicked and told a lie. Mom grew distant, and papa... He still talks to me from time to time. But he keeps getting busier." I explained and had gotten some ingredients on the kitchen counter.
"Ugh I'm such a mess..." I mumbled and Carmella instantly grabbed my wrist, making me face her and I looked her in the eye since- I wouldn't get effected, and didn't know it effects me.
"You are not a mess Violet. Your life is. That came out wrong- what I meant was, you're not a mess. That's just your fear of disappointing your loved ones talking. You're the most amazing girl I know. Smart, strong, seriously, the few times you have fought back it hurt like a hundred needles or something. Protective of your family. You rarely let others get to you. You're independent and fuck are you gorgeous. So no. You're not the mess. The world is." She corrected herself and I just stared at her looking shocked.
"You're not bad yourself~" I responded as I had processed her words.
"I will never get used to you flirting.." Carmella mumbled.
"Oh yeah? How was I before the amnesia?" I asked and walked over to the counter to start making something for her.
"Eh- All over the place. Lately, the only reason you've been angry at us is just on instinct and it quickly went over." Carmella answered and I automatically started making a connection.
"You've opened up a few times. Cried openly like two times. Hid it the rest of the times and, I'm starting to think you have mild seperation anxiety." Carmella continued and I took the last bit of information she gave me and my head fell down.
"You motherfuckers kidnapped me, didn't you?" I asked and went back to focusing on the ingredients.
"Well uhm- technically not-" She kept stumbling on her words until she gave up and just said "yes."
"Now I understand why dad hates you." I said and kept making Carmellas food.
"Yeahhhh... But how'd you figure out so quickly?"
"It was easy, I just took what I know from my reactions, the situations I've been in, the old information you've given me, dads hatred towards you, and your reaction when I flirt." I answered.
"Damn." Was all Carmella said.
"Hey I remember falling onto glass, infront of what looks like your house, did I ever?" I asked and flipped the food in the pan.
"Oh yeah- your sister dragged you out onto it. Before something about a russian sleep experiment and Helens first appearance for us." Carmella explained.
"Oh how fun, Liz succeeded! She- succeeded.. something doesn't add up.." I mumbled the last part.

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