Chapter 5

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“I don't want to die! I wanna live! Mom! I want my mother! I want my family!” She panicked as she looked up. Samira was still visible to her, but she was just a small white speck. Nobody on the ground could see her yet, and Rico and David ran around, waiting to catch her when she fell.
Andy watched the clouds. Her tentacles felt dry, and the rushing air around her felt warm. Wind no longer pushed her around. She was still in the sky; she was floating. She looked around but couldn't see anyone around.  Squeak! Squeak! Squeak! The small sounds came from below her and they grew over her body, creating a cloud. They were butterflies of all colors, some with multiple, and some were plain white. The biggest one was staring at her with it’s beady eyes, and squeaked.
“Ello! Top of tha mornin’ to ya, lassie! What brings you in tha sky?” It asked politely.
“There was a ghost who tried to drop me to my death. She’s up there somewhere I think. Can you please put me down?” Andy asked.
“Oi, what ah rude ankle bitah, amirah? Lassie, tha bes way ta get rid o that beast, is ta use a bit o Adams ale!.” It instructed. It flew down and the rest of the butterflies followed, gently taking Andy down. Samira watched from the top, unaware of the butterflies helping Andy. She waited in the sky until she was sure Andy had fallen to her death. A little giggle escaped her mouth at the thought of the small exile falling with fear. Rico was the first one to spot Andy and he reached out for her. The butterflies placed her down and the biggest one laughed.
“Such a nice day for a fly, don't ya think? We’ll be seein ya around, mates. Les head out!” The butterflies gently flew away back into the forest.
“Did they catch you? Who were they? Where is Samira?” Zhen asked.
“I don't know who they were. They just caught me and told me to use Adams ale on her?” Andy explained as Rico set her down. Genesis looked up and saw Samira slowly hovering down.
“Shoot, she’s coming back!” She warned.
“Genesis, what's Adam’s ale?!” Zita cried.
“I dont know! I dont know! We need to get out of here!” She pushed Zita’s hoof through the gap, and grunted. Rico helped, along with David and they pushed Zita out of the small space. David grabbed Andy’s hand and ran. Genesis climbed on Zita’s back, and Rico dragged Zhen. They followed David through the village.
“We're heading to village five! Let's go!” Zita called. The large group of monsters working in the village created a path in the middle for them to run through. The black that covered their fur and skin faded and everyone recognized them.
“Its the exiles!”
“Look! Is that who I think it is?!”
“It’s Rico! The ex guard!”
“Is that?!”
A loud shriek shushed the crowd, and Samira tore off a wooden plank from a nearby market cart.
“YOU'RE RUINING EVERYTHING!” She screamed as she aimed the plank at Rico. She sent it flying straight for his back. Zhen tore off his raincoat and stopped the plank that barely scraped Rico.  Samira let out another scream, and chased after the exiles.
“Go! Head for the palace!” Genesis yelled. Rico turned around and looked for something to defend them with. He looked over at a cart that held a ton of barrels.
“Keep going! I'll catch up!” He hissed as he picked up a barrel. He held it over his head and tossed it at Samira. It went right through her body as she laughed at him. She picked it up and threw it right back at him. Everyone gasped as the barrel shattered against his chest and pushed him off the cart. Samira picked up a shattered piece of wood and thrusted it at him.
“Samira, please. You don't have to do this. Were friends, remember? We lived in Genesis’s house, we ate noodles, we had fun!” He begged as he tried to push back her wrists.
“And what will you do if I don't? Snap my wrists like you did to Andy? Scum like you that are violent for their own pleasure are the last things that deserve to live in our world.” She grunted as she slowly inched the wood piece forward.
“Hands off my boy!” Screeched a monster who looked like Rico. He had blonde hair and green eyes, and he was as tall as Rico’s chest. He kicked the wooden piece out of Samira’s hand and hissed.
“Trenton!” Rico exclaimed. Trenton winked and tossed a barrel at Samira. It struck her head and forced her onto the ground.
“How did you do that?” Rico asked in shock.
“She cant keep going through things forever. I think as long as she’s distracted, she doesn't know when we’ll hit her.” Trenton snarled as he lifted another barrel. Rico looked over at Samira who was still getting up.
“She’s still a 9 year old monster. She doesn't have the skills Trenton and I have. Alone, I can't beat her because of her power, but with Trenton, we have a chance.” Rico examined. He stepped over Samira and leaned down.
“Samira, please just stop. I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to-” “SHUT UP!” She roared. She reached out to grab Rico, but Trenton smashed another barrel on her head.  She screamed and grabbed a wooden piece. She jammed it into his shoulder and turned to Trenton.
“You have no part in this. Stay. Out. Of. My. Way.” She warned.
“No, Rico is my brother and I’ll do anything for him. Our relationship made me take part in this.” He hissed as he shot his claws out.

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