A promise in the night

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When Hua Qiangu returned, the boys had already prepared dinner. They'd put their disagreements apart and tried their best to surprise the demoness. She was indeed impressed by their efforts, but she had so many worries on her mind.

The short journey in the town hadn't helped much. She was still miserable and lonely. Much as she tried, she couldn't get Bai Zihua out of her mind. But she couldn't deny that the little accident in the morning offered her a bit of comfort.

She spent her day looking for new dresses and nice jewels, but she ended up helping a sick woman get better and a paralyzed kid walk again. She helped an old lady carry her heavy bags with vegetables to her house and she offered her dresses and jewels to a young woman she met in her short journey. At the end of the day she returned without nothing, but a much lighted heart.

She intended to keep her fasade and threw some cold remarks to the boy, but she changed her mind. They'd given their best and it wasn't their fault she was so unhappy.

"How was your day, Your Highness?" Tom greeted her in his most polite tone. "The dinner is ready if you want to try it."

Hua Qiangu smiled. He'd never seen her smiling or laughing. It was feeble and it lingered only for a moment, but it was a small victory for him.

She wasn't hungry even if she hadn't eaten well for a very long time. She used to love food. Memories from the time she ate radishes with Dong Fang came back to her.

"Do you miss your home?" She asked Tom out of the blue. "You seem quite young. You must have a family. Friends. People who wait for you out there."

His face darkened. He had none of it. He used to have lots of followers, but he missed none of them. He had never called someone a friend. In fact, he had the slightest idea how it was like to have someone to care for you. He had never allowed himself to yearn for such things. There was nothing he missed from his former life. Maybe his popularity, but he hadn't thought about it all day. Even if he lied that everything he'd done was to raise his rank, the truth was that he, and he was sure Zhu Ran, too, had done it to make Hua Qiangu feel better.

"I have nothing to miss there. It's just a place like any other place."

"I don't know how to send you back there, but if you want to stay here you can. Though, there are some rules you must obey."

"Of course" Tom muttered, unhappy. But he was cunning and bright. He would find a way to improve his situation. "What do I have to do?" Deep down he hoped she'd noticed his potential and would offer him an important position or something similar.

"Just stay here. Do whatever you want. I don't care as long as you don't cause any harm to my people or cause any conflict with the other sects. And do not stay in my way...Again."

"You would have been dead if he hadn't dared to go against your orders." Zhu Ran declared. He'd been listening quietly, afraid not to get on her nerves when he finally decided to interfere. He knew she wasn't dangerous, but he preferred to stay away from any conflict with her. After all, she had enough reasons to want him punished. He didn't want to give her any more. What actually made him vulnerable in front of her wasn't his inferior powers or the fear of death and punishment, but the fact she could read him like a book. She knew his fears and even if she'd never forced him to do anything, it made him feel exposed.

"Don't expect me to be grateful for your saving my life. Don't do it again. None of you."

"What do you think about the food?" Zhu Ran tactfully tried to change the topic. He knew as well as Tom that it wouldn't be the only time they would stay in her way. They knew also that she wouldn't cause any harm against them no matter how many times they would get on her nerves. But they stood quiet. She had accepted to sit with them at the table and eat. It was enough for a day.

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