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The moon was already in the sky when Hua Qiangu returned together with the woman from the town, the tiny puppy, and a lot of new things she'd bought from the market: vegetables, meat, blankets, and clothes.

She hadn't felt like going back so soon and, as a result, she'd taken the woman to a small inn and paid for her meal and the puppies. Then, they all went to buy some necessary stuff for the house. As they walked in the town from one shop to another, Hua Qiangu noticed some sick kids and stopped to help them (as a Demon God it was a piece of cake to turn some water into medicine). As the other people noticed how skilful she was, they started to ask for a piece of advice. They were so many that she lost all day treating them and recommending different teas and medicine.

The woman, An Na, stood beside her, ready to help her when needed. The puppy waited patiently next to them. As his belly was full, he could finally fall asleep at their feet. He would open his eyes from time to time as the hustle and bustle of the market was too much for his fine senses. Even though he got enough sleep and even a second meal as people brought food for Hua Qiangu and her disciple and even invited them to have a meal with them whenever they have time.

The night was chill, but the fresh air helped Hua Qiangu relax after an entire day of work. Her immortal body kept her safe from tiredness and diseases, but even though, it was still overwhelming to take care of so many people in just one day. It was fantastic and scary and challenging at the same time.

The moon was huge. It made the two women feel so small and so feeble in front of the immortal goddess of the night. The moon lit their way to the cottage. The forest was still dark, but the numerous stars from above made the entire journey seem magical.

When they stepped inside, Tom and Zhu Ran were already sitting next to the fire. They'd had a long day, too. Even the kitten had worked in his own way. They spent the day carrying water and wood for reconstructing the place and for the fire.

While Zhu Ran went into the town to buy tools and materials for the roof, Tom removed the old roof and cut the old splinter that used to cover the house so they could be used for the fire. The kitten followed him everywhere. He even climbed on the ladder up to the roof. Tom and Zhu Ran were very proud of that ladder as they'd made it by themselves.

Magic helped, too, but Tom still had to climb on the roof to remove some splinters that were stuck there and couldn't be moved just by magic. Unless he was willing to risk burning or breaking the roof. Which he wasn't.

The kitten, though, climbed there just because he thought the sun was warmer up there or maybe because he yearned for some company.

Due to magic and their dedication, combined with guilt and frustration, the roof was ready before the sunset. Then, they started to cook, using the remains of yesterday's vegetables and meat.

An Na greeted them with a big smile. She was young and beautiful now, her skin smooth and delicate, her eyes sparkling like two stars in a deep dark sky. Just a few inched taller than Hua Qiangu, she seemed an older sister of the goddess.

The puppy was shy only for a few moments until the warmth of the fire and the friendly atmosphere assured him that he would be fine. The kitten hissed at him and the puppy barked. Yet it was a cheerful bark as he instantly registered the kitten as his new friend.

An hour later, the kitten and puppy were sleeping next to the fire while the four inhabitants were making plans for the future.

Hua Qiangu didn't speak a word to Tom about their argument. She pretended that nothing had happened and he followed her example, but he kept his thoughts in check for fear of what she could read if only tried to. He was sure she would monitor him. She was too stubborn to give up.

An Na was lovely, but Tom wasn't particularly fond of her. In fact, there were few things he was fond of and very few living beings who cared for him. After an entire day of being followed everywhere by a kitten, he still wondered if that creature was really that dumb to get attached to him.

An Na, though, seemed to like Tom. She hadn't had any kids of her own and she saw in him the son she wished she'd had. She became even a bit protective of Tom which annoyed the young wizard. He didn't need to be protected. He'd never been protected. Not even when he was a baby.

It was very late when the four of them decided to put an end to the day and go to sleep. Yet the cottage started to look more like home the moment they'd finished their choirs.

Tomorrow would be another day and they would have to start to look for new inhabitants. There were still a lot of things to buy and fix, but they would do everything together. They were four at the moment. Maybe, the next day they would be five or even six.

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