Back to Hogwarts

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Tom woke up very early in the morning as he felt a heavy presence on his belly. The first thing he registered was that the thing prevented him from breathing normally. Then, he realized that the thing had some sharp claws and it liked to press them into Tom's skin. The last thing, he noticed was that the thing was warm and fluffy and it had eyes. Not eyes, but two shining flames that sparkled in the light of the fire.

He tried to remove it, but its claws were well attached to Tom's clothes and it had no intention to let it go. Eventually, he managed to convince Panda-Bear to move a bit higher so his ribs would prevent the cat's heavy body from pressing on his lungs. He still found it hilarious that Hua Qiangu couldn't find a better name for the former kitten. What was more hilarious was that the cat liked him more than he liked Hua Qiangu. It was the first time he got something without having to steal or cheat for it.

An Na watched him with a smile on her face. Tom had been her little boy from the first time she'd met him. Barely seventeen at that time, Tom was convinced he was old enough of being in need of protection. She thought differently. But her little boy had grown even more and she'd learned she needed to be more discreet when trying to take care of him.

An Na also noticed Tom's glances toward Hua Qiangu when he thought no one could notice him. And the silly things he used to say when she was around. Tom hadn't realized yet, but An Na was sure he had a crush on Hua Qiangu and the only thing she hoped was that the demoness would stop dreaming about Bai Zihua and realize there was someone else waiting for her.

"What's that?" Tom asked as he noticed Hua Qiangu with another cat in her arms. This time it was a white cat with very few dark spots on her fur. The cat had amazing green eyes and it was so much grace in the way she waved her body while walking. She was about to become the new queen. Even the dog was happy to have a new friend.

Time passed. Year after year, new disciples came. Some stayed; others left as they grew up and went back to the ordinary world. The puppy was a big dog now and the green-eyed cat had a kitten as big as her.

Eventually, Hua Qiangu decided to start her journey towards London – Tom's birthplace. The city looked nothing like Tom remembered. He'd come too early. Centuries too early. Too early even for the industrial revolution or for queen Elisabeth's unbeatable fleet, the mighty Armada. Too early for the great empire, the country would develop under its queens.

London was dirty and full. It was far from the beautiful picture the books had provided to Tom during his childhood. Here and there he could see a lovely lady cross the dirty street in her carriage. She would cast a glance from her little window and then retreat behind the colourful curtains of her carriage.

"What's wrong?" Hua Qinagu asked as she noticed his surprise and disappointment.

"We've come too early."


"We've come too early. In time. Too early in time." He explained. "I was born many centuries after you. If I return to my time we're never going to meet again." He uttered disappointed. "Not even Hogwarts was built at this time." He added.

"I'll wait for you." Hua Qiangu said out of the blue. "I mean. I have the kids and all those poor people. We'll miss you, but we're going to be alright. The place will have been bigger by then. The small trees will turn into a forest and the kids will be grand grandfathers and mothers by then."

"Could you? I long can you live? It's a long time."

"I'm a goddess. I'm immortal. I can only die if I want to. And I don't want it any longer. With you, I've discovered so many reasons to stay alive. Now, you should go back. Finish your school, make friends, and be happy. I hope you'll remember what I've taught you all these years."

"Ten years."

"Yes, ten years. You've grown up, Tom. I'm so proud of you." She had tears in her eyes. She knew it was time to say goodbye. She'd known it for a while since she'd discovered the meaning of the words on that magic box. Though, she'd kept postponing that moment as she'd always felt he wasn't ready and when she was ready to let him go, when she was sure his heart had been emptied of all that bitterness and hatred, she couldn't let him go.

Hua Qiangu put the magic box in his palm and closed it.

"Come with me." He invited her as he admired her beautiful face. "You'll love my town and London. The city is so beautiful. There are so many books and shops with candies and chocolate and ice cream. You'll like all these modern sweets. The new dresses will suit you perfectly. Don't get me wrong. You look so amazing in your lovely dresses. You look amazing in anything. But you'll love my time."

"I can't, Tom. I have things to do in my own time. I have a duty towards all those people."

"But you'll look for me. You will, don't you?"

"Of course."

"I'm afraid." He admitted.


"Yes, I....I've never had someone like you in my life and I'm afraid I'll lose you."

"You won't. We'll be parted just for a short time."

"Why do we have to be parted? I don't want to go."

"Because you don't belong to this time and it's too dangerous to play with things like time."

"But you'll come."

"Of course."

"I'll wait for you."

"So, do I."

He heard her muttering some words and then she became blurry. He cast a last glance at her before he disappeared into the darkness. He woke up in his room. The boys were already asleep and he realized he looked ten years younger. Just he wasn't the same boy as the one back then. Everything changed. He was in love with a princess from another time and he had the slightest idea if she was real or if all those things had happened in his mind

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