Chapter 7

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I didn't get to talk with Phoenix that night. He looked absolutely exhausted at dinner, and honestly, I could relate. My knees and back were killing me from scrubbing the floors throughout the day. All I could think about was taking a bath and going to sleep. There was one thing I had to do before I let myself find rest though. I had to write to my brother.

I finished my dinner, and walked straight back to my suite. I searched through the drawers of my small wooden desk to find both a paper and pencil. Of course the desk came stocked with everything I would have needed, not surprising at this point. I put the pencil to paper and wrote:

Dear Slater,

I'm not sure what you've heard about who I was chosen to serve, but I have to assume that you've heard the worst. Some of which is probably true. I was chosen by Colt Shadows to serve the MM at the Procuring. I know, I know. Complete horror story! But truly Slater, I'm doing great. This place is not at all what we were told. In fact, I'm writing this to you from my own suite...I mean room. Well, both I guess! I have a bed, a desk, and a table. I don't even have to share it with any other indigents or ignobles. It's amazing. My job here is also wonderful. I am not abused., nor neglected. I'm in charge of cleaning an entire floor of the manor. Me! I'm in charge of something. God help these people! Just kidding...sort of.

Also, please don't worry about Phoenix. By the Council's grace, we ended up being chosen to serve the same superior. He is also here with me at the MM. But don't you worry, we don't actually work together. He is in the stables,with the animals. As he would prefer, of course! He seems to really enjoy it here too. I'm just happy that we are both safe serving here and that we are not doomed to a life of abuse and starvation! Yay!

Anyways, how are you?? There's not a day that goes by that I don't think of you and how you're doing. I hope that you are feeding yourself! Real food, not just sweets from the sector! Lastly, please share this letter with the Sinclairs so that they will not be worried about Phoenix and his safety. I owe them at least that. I love you! Please try to write me back. I just want to know you are okay.

Your favorite sister,


I folded the letter in half and placed it in an envelope from the desk. I left it with the laundry that needed to be taken out in hopes the maids would see it and take care of it for me. I then ran a bath and got ready for bed. Sleep couldn't have come at a better time.


I woke up to the same rooster crowing from the distance. Sunlight illuminated the golden paisley details on my ceiling. I looked up and admired the sparkles that shot throughout the room. Though the sight was truly remarkable, it didn't make getting out of bed very appealing.

"Do I have to?" I groaned to no one in particular. I slowly made my way to the edge of the bed and out of my silk sheets. Unfortunately, I had a busy day ahead of me.

After breakfast, I began to make my way up the staircase to the third floor. Knots began to form in my stomach as I thought about Milan yelling at me from the top of the stairs yesterday. I tried to shift my focus to the good parts of my first day. Mathis and his silly sense of humor, the way that he tried to make me laugh and feel at ease. I hoped that I would get to see him again today.

When I made it to the top of the stairs, I went straight to the supply closet to gather my cleaning materials. My plan was to finish cleaning floors in the hallway and Colt's massive office today. Then I could move on to lighter work, like dusting and cleaning the windows.

Just as I bent down to start on the hallway floors, I heard a slight grumble from behind me.

"It's too early for you to be in my way. Move!"

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