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"The Heartless Blogger"

I hate people. Well not like the murderous type, but the one that hates to come in contact with humans because they are just plain stupid and ridiculous. So what is the only place I don't have to see those homo sapiens? The internet. Ahh the lovely land of making virtual friends, ranting without anybody getting mad at you. But my favorite part of the internet is blogging. The place where your emotions and feelings towards a fictional character just pours out and its totally fine!

So I blog and no one knows about it, until now. It was just one post, one stupid rant and in return what I do I get for posting it? Almost three millions views on my blog and thousands of new followers. My blog has become known. They tell me I'm funny, hilarious, honest, but no one knows it's me who owns the blog. The awkward girl with a laptop to save her life or that's what she thought. I've always been one to live under other people shadows like my bother popularity, or my parents fame. But now, the spotlight on me.

My Name Is Ingrid Jones And I'm the "Heartless Blogger" .

The next chapter will included a Brittany vs Ingrid kinda thing.

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This book means a lot to me.

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(Song: Uma Thurman by: fall out boy. )

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