Are all Dead

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Even the mightiest fall eventually.

No matter how strong a person is, no matter how many friends or enemies they have, they still die in the end.

It is the inescapable end that everyone eventually reaches, even the mightiest of warriors reach this end. It is quite humbling actually, to think that even the poorest of people and the richest all have the same end.

Some have tried to escape this end, but as discussed previously, this is a futile effort.

Even whole civilizations are not free from this curse. Civilizations that were so advanced that they couldn't even comprehend the fact that they were slowly killing themselves.

Then when they eventually do die out, their memories are forgotten, and all their advancements are lost to time. Their once great cities fall into ruin, and are regarded as heathen ruins to Eldridge Gods.

Then they return to dust, as all things eventually do.

"He's late"

That one statement was the only thing said by the order of the crossed keys as they sat in thick silence in their meeting, awaiting their flamboyant members arrival.

Each member was only a face on a screen to the others, each on separate sides of the world on their own missions towards the unification of mankind.

Ozpin's face was, as always, in the middle of the screen. His face betrayed none of his inner thoughts as he sat calmly at his desk in beacon academy. His title was displayed in bold below his face.

On his right, on her own screen, was Glynda goodwitch, with her stern look the only thing giving away her slight worry. Glynda was good at hiding her emotions, but whenever she was worried she always just let her stern teacher persona take over.

To Ozpin's other side sat General ironwood, who looked worse for wear. His once clean shaven face now had some patchy stubble and his hair was disheveled, a far cry from the well groomed soldier he usually presented himself as. His dark bags under his eyes were also a dead giveaway that he hadn't been properly taking care of himself. Arcs escape and the injury of his most prized specialist cleary had been weighing down on him.

Above Ironwood, also on her own screen similar to Glynda, was Winter Schnee. The specialist was wearing her proper uniform with one bright blue stripe through the center. Unlike her general everything about Winter screamed perfection, her hair clothes even her stance as she stood. Winter had mostly recovered from her defeat at the hands of the arc boy, only a scar remained to remind her of the event.

To winters left stood Headmaster Theodore of shade, who's scared and bearded face stared impassively at the other members. His amber eyes however reflected his annoyance at the whole situation, after all he had been one of the most vocal protesters for Roman not to be sent to hunt down the information. Semblance be dammed, that thief shouldn't be trusted with something as delicate as information gathering.

Of course the only other person who was near and could have been sent at a moments notice was Adam, and that would have been much worse. Speaking of the white fang hero...

Adam's screen was next to Theodore's, his white fang mask, red hair and horns making him stand out a lot when compared to the others members. His mask that covered his upper face hid all his emotions, the only thing that could be read from the man was the slight sneer from his mouth. He was cleary not happy about this meeting, he did have a revolution to run afterall.

Finally to the left of Adam was the unfocused and blood red eyes of Qrow brawen, his drunken haze being felt even through the screen that connected the group. Qrow was the most uninterested of the society in this event, to him it didn't matter much as long as the kingdoms and the patch were safe. Who cared why a kid killed four people?

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