Chapter 8: New powers?

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Kotori: Looks like everything is good.

Captain McCallian: Computer, return to earth please.

Ship computer: Acknowledged, rerouting ship course to earth.

Captain McCallian: Mission successful, break a leg team.

Scorpion: It got me sweating bullets.

Ghost: I will be taking a deep sleep after all of this shit.

Flash: Enough talk, we move out.

The ship flies back to the ground.

Zeitgeist's POV

I was walking down the street with Shido and his harem of girls, I suddenly felt a pain in my chest.

It was so painful that I can't move.

Shido: Zeitgeist, You okay?!

Tohka: What happen?

Origami: Relax, he just has a chest problem.

And then, something came out of my chest and send a shockwave, making everyone fall down.

Shido: What the?!

Miku: Oh no! Is it another pretty girl?!

Shadow: Hm, pathetic.

Origami: What did you say to Shido!?

Shadow: I am prettier than you, you don't deserve Shido.

Origami makes a very angry face.

You: S-Shadow, how did you got out of that cage?

Shadow: It was easy, I just had to break the core.

You: I-i won't let you get away this time!

She holds Shido as hostage, I couldn't attack her, and the girls point their weapons at her.

Yoshino: L-let Shido go!

Yamai: I won't forgive you!

The girls try to attack her, she kicks Shido away and easily beats the girls, it was my turn to step up.

You: I won't let you slip away, not this time.

Shadow: Try me.

You: Electro! Hydro! Form!

I formed a Electro and a Hydro form of my self and attacked her.

Electro Zeitgeist: Electric arrow!

Hydro Zeitgeist: Water bender!

Zeitgeist: Windbloom!

We all charged up our powers and formed a powerful ball and blasted at Shadow, and of course, she stood no chance.

I sealed her spirit in a cell and left it to rot.

The girls and Shido stared at me in amazement.

Miku: That was so cool!

Tohka: How did you do that?

Yamai and Yuzuru: Teach me your secret powers!

You: Uhh, only I can have these powers, Mukuro knows that.

Mukuro: I knew that.

Shido's POV

You: Thanks, you saved our lives.

Zeitgeist: No need, it's just my job.

Kurumi appears from behind.

Kurumi: My my, I never thought we will meet again.

Zeitgeist: What is it?

Kurumi: I want to challenge you to a duel, and the loser has to pay the price with his life!

Zeitgeist: Sure, Geo! Pyro!

Geo Zeitgeist: Wall!

The Geo Zeitgeist formed a yellow barrier around the other two.

Pyro Zeitgeist: Blazing fire!

The Fire one used his spear to make another spear but made with fire and shot at Kurumi.

Kurumi was hurt and was on the ground.

You: Kurumi!

Zeitgeist: You are not even the real Kurumi.

The Kurumi that I am looking at fades away and another Kurumi appears.

Kurumi: My my, certainly the smart one!

Zeitgeist: Just get out of my way.

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