Chapter 10: McCallian's background.

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Captain McCallian: Oi lads, time to move, we got some work on our hands.

Third Lieutenant Mark: Let me guess, a joint operation?

Captain McCallian: Yes, get your gear to hangar 1, training will take place at there.

Staff Sergeant Elias: Got it sir.

Warrant officer Mike: Great, just a another day at the office.

They grabbed their gear and headed to the hangar.

They opened the doors to the hangar.
A few AST agents, including Origami, Kotori and Shido are there. And some American soldiers, and British soldiers.

Captain McCallian: Just in time men, we are gonna do a CQB test, the secnario will take place at a yacht. And we are devising a plan.

Third Lieutenant Mark: Guess it is my turn isn't it?

Captain McCallian: Yea, get your arse over here.

Third Lieutenant Mark: The way I see we should do is this. The AST will surround the yacht, Navy SEALs team A will enter the front of the ship, Navy SEALs team B will enter the back with the SAS, and clear the whole yacht and find any intel about spirits. Got it?

Everyone: Got it.

Captain McCallian: Alright, I made a replica of the yacht and I settled up some possible target spots, head to your designated positions.

Everyone headed to their positions, some were on the ground, some were elevated.

Kotori: I know this is training, but do you have to take it this far captain?

Captain McCallian: It's standard training to my men.

Shido and Kotori: Seems like overkill!

Captain McCallian: Whatever.

McCallian heads to the intercom.

Captain McCallian: Once I start the countdown, the operation starts, got it?

Everyone: Got it!

Captain McCallian: Go, go, go!

A few hours later...

Captain McCallian: Alright everyone, good job on the training, fast and accurate, just what I need, the operation is a go. Go prepare your gear people.

Everyone ran back to their stations.

Captain McCallian: That went way smoother than I thought.

Kotori: Oh and by the way, what is your back story?

Captain McCallian: Why did you ask?

Kotori: Out of curiosity.

Captain McCallian: Well, I have a brother, I call him Millan.

Kotori: Then?

Captain McCallian: Maybe I won't tell you the rest, I can tell you one more thing.

Shido: What is it?

Captain McCallian: His other name is Captain MacMillan.

A few hours later.

Navy seal Seargent: This is Team A, arriving to front deck.

Navy seal Lieutenant: This is Team B, arriving at the back.

Captain McCallian: Copy, move in.

Navy seal Lieutenant: Roger, moving to cabin.

Captain McCallian: Heading to the deck.

They see two guys holding guns. They don't hesitate to shoot them.

Captain McCallian: Weapons free.

They gun down the two guys and move in.

Captain McCallian's POV

You: Watch out for tangos.

Flash: One tango on the left.

Ghost: One tango on the right.

Scorpion: Take them out.

They go behind the two guys and stabbed them.

Ghost: Sweet dreams.

You: Keep moving.

Navy seal Seargent: All clear.

Navy seal Lieutenant: Clear!

You: Search for any intel that might be worth our time.

Everyone: Copy.

They all scattered around and searched for stuff, they found some files and they got on the dinghy and blew up the ship.

The next day.

Kotori: Hey Captain!

Captain McCallian: It's literally 4 am in the morning, what do you want?

Kotori: Remember yesterdays questions?

Captain McCallian: Fuck, why did you bloody remember that?

Kotori: And Shido did not forget too.

Captain McCallian: Fine, I tell you a story about me.


2010 United Kingdom | London  20:34

Lieutenant Callian | Metropolitan Police Department

Sgt Henry: Looks like we are on our own lads.

Lieutenant Callian: Yeah, whatever.

Superintendent Baker: Heads up, white van, full of armed suspects.

Constable Ivan: Let's move.

We all got out of our cars and moved to the van, as we got close, they got out and we apprehend one of them.

Sgt Henry: Police! Freeze!

Constable Ivan: Get your hands up now!

Lieutenant Callian: Get down on the ground!

The van suddenly explodes and sent us flying. A man got up and shot Ivan.

Sgt Henry: Gun! Gun!

I shot the man down and we ran to cover.

Lieutenant Callian: This is unit 34, we are requesting heavy backup at the bridge right now!

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