Chapter 12: Double Trouble

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A jeep rolled up on Captain Price.

Captain McCallian: Sorry to keep you waiting Price.

Captain Price: Let's move.

They drove back to the Fraxinus ship, they got on and walked to Kotori's office

Captain McCallian: I am back Kotori, and this is Captain Price and his men.

Kotori: Captain Price, nice to meet you!

Captain Price: Nice to meet you too.

Shido comes in

Shido: Hey Kotori! We- who are these guys?

Kotori: No need to ask, they are Captain McCallian's friends.

Shido: Nice, but Tohka and Yoshino are missing!

Kotori: What?! Captain McCallian, can you help rescue them?

Captain McCallian: Sure, let's move people!

Captain Price: Bravo squad, move out!

They all got on a chopper and flew to the destination that Kotori said.

Captain Price: This is how advance this world's technology is?

Captain McCallian: Yeah, I just have optical camouflage.

Captain Price: You bloody bet, chopper's landing, let's move people.

Victor 2-1: Copy that.

Mist 2-2: This is Mist 2-2, is Sinner 1-1 on Overwatch?

Helicopter pilot: This is Sinner 1-1, Sinner 1-1 is on Overwatch.

They got off the helicopter and moved to a small house.

Captain McCallian: Alpha 1-1, moving interior.

Flash: Kappa 1-3, Behind you 1-1.

Ghost: Gamma 1-2, Moving to second deck.

Captain Price: Bravo-6, Move to second deck with 1-2.

Ghost: Hold, enemy movement.

Captain McCallian: Coming up, I'll take the one on the left, you take the right.

Ghost: Copy, execute.

They shot the two mercenaries, they move up to the door they were guarding.

Captain McCallian: I am hearing two female screaming.

Scorpion: Delta 1-4, Voice confirmed, it's the target.

Captain Price: Alright, stand by for breaching.

Captain McCallian: Charge is hot, fire in the hole!

The door blasts open, they gun down the people behind the door.

Captain McCallian: Tohka, Yoshino, follow us and you will be safe.

They walked out of the room.

Ghost: What the hell is tha-

Captain Price: RPG!

The RPG blasted at them, the rest managed to escape, but Captain Price was hanging on a ledge, and Captain McCallian was holding him.

Captain Price: Oh boy, looks like that chopper is going to get back up and shoot at us.

Captain McCallian: What do we do then?

Captain Price: Looks like you need to let me go son.

Captain McCallian: What?

Captain Price: If you want to survive this, you have to let me go son.

Captain McCallian: You are the only person I consider family, my parents are dead Price!

Captain Price: Look, I am sorry, but you have to let me go.

Captain McCallian: No, I will die here with you!

Date A Live: The new spirit and the morden era.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon