The Prince

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Prince Frederick Edward Redernesch Fwitsical III sat in his bedchambers staring at the ceiling, his auburn hair lying across his pillow, wondering how long it will be before he was allowed to have any time to himself. He was wondering when he might have a chance to escape the responsibilities of being the heir to the throne. For one thing, he was going to be married in one week and he had only met his betrothed once. They were only getting married to unite their two kingdoms and neither one of them wanted to go through with the marriage. And for another thing, on his 18th birthday in two weeks he would have his coronation to become the new king. His father had been assassinated two years before and so his mother had been ruling since he had died; and now that he was old enough, Frederick was going to become king.

"Your Majesty, may I come in?" It was Thomas, his escort and friend.

"Oh, Thomas, you startled me. I didn't hear you come in. I must have been too wrapped up in my thoughts. What do you need?" The restless prince asked.

"Well, you see, it's time for your archery practice," Thomas replied."Oh, yes, thank you for reminding me. I would've been content to sit here all day thinking, but if I must I will come with you to my archery practice."

"Right this way, Your Majesty."

Prince Frederick followed Thomas out of his room thinking how great it would be if his mother would stop babying him so much. Thomas' technical title was the prince's escort, but everyone in the palace knew that he was really Frederick's baby sitter. They headed out to the archery field and had started getting out their equipment when Rebekah the cook called Thomas and asked him to taste test her newest recipe for apple pie. Everyone in the palace knew that they liked each other and that Thomas would do anything for Rebekah. Thomas looked up at Frederick with the question in his eyes. Frederick nodded at Thomas who then hurried off to see Rebekah leaving Fredrick alone

Frederick's mind started racing. This was his chance. He could head to the stables, get a horse, and escape from all of his responsibilities. What was stopping him? But what would his mother do in two weeks when he was supposed to be crowned king? She had been serving as queen for almost two years already. She could continue being queen; she knew how to rule a country. But what would happen when she died? Who would take the throne for her? Maybe he could run away for just a few weeks and leave the life of little freedom. That's what he would do. He would run away now and come back again in a few weeks. That would give him time to clear his mind and think about what kind of a king he wanted to be.

Having made up his mind he hurried to the stable. He grabbed a cloak off the hooks by the stable door and then he looked in a pouch under a barrel and found his secret stash of money. Then he walked over to his favorite horse, Midnight, and started saddling him up. The Horse gently nuzzled Frederick's ear as he finished buckling the bridle around Midnight's muzzle. Frederick returned the affection, patting Midnight behind the ears. Frederick slung the pouch over his shoulder and swung one leg up and over the horse. He flicked the reins, and Midnight headed out of the stable walking slowly.

Frederick had no plan of what he would do next. Should he head to the village or try to make it in the woods? He thought about staying in the woods night after night and what might happen to him with all of the wild animals. He decided that he would rather risk it in the village even though people might recognize him. He would find a way into the back end of town where the people had probably never seen him before. The only way to make it in through the back of the village was to sneak through the woods. He would carefully make his way through the woods and then cut into the back of the village.

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