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Frederick was eating dinner, and Samuel was sitting next to him. He had been trying to flirt for the last hour but Frederick kept shutting down any attempts. The soup that Mrs. Birmingham had made was as delicious as Amelia had said. Samuel kept trying to put his hand on Frederick's leg and Frederick kept flicking it away. Frederick hoped that he would stop trying soon.

"So, how is the prettiest little lady I know?" Samuel asked nonchalantly.

"I'm doing fine," Frederick answered equally nonchalant. Samuel leaned over as if he were going to try and kiss Frederick, who ducked away. This caused Samuel to put his hand down in his soup. Mrs. Birmingham looked at Frederick, and gave him a disappointed glance. Frederick wondered how Amelia handled Samuel's forwardness. It was driving him crazy to think of even the possibility that this boorish man had tried to kiss Amelia. She deserved so much better.

"Well, how about we go an' look at your bedroom?" Samuel asked as if that were a perfectly reasonable request.

"Why don't we finish dinner and then help my mother wash the dishes?" Frederick countered hoping that this would deter him.

"I had best be getting home actually," Samuel answered. Frederick almost shouted for joy.

"Well, if you must then, good bye," Frederick said noncommittally.

"I'll see you next time, sweet," Samuel said and then walked out the door.

Frederick thought about how he would stay and help Amelia with the dishes just to spend more time with her. He would do almost anything to spend more time with her. Then he realized that right at that very moment her plan must be in starting.

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