The Pauper

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 Amelia Birmingham looked out of her window. She brushed her short auburn hair away from her cheeks. She was thinking about what she was going to do with her life. Her 18th birthday was just around the corner and she knew that she didn't want to simply be a housewife for the rest of her life. Her mother kept trying to play the role of matchmaker, and Amelia didn't appreciate that very much. All of the young men in the area were hot heads and flirts, and Amelia didn't want to have anything to do with them.  She had always wanted more out of life then the small part of town that she lived in had to offer.

 She saw her mother coming up the walk. She hoped that her mother would not drop any not so subtle hints.

 "Hello dear," her mother said sweetly.

 "Hello mother," Amelia responded, "what will you be needing, mother?"

 "Well, it would be nice if you would find a nice boy and settle down," said her mother with a sly smile. 

 Amelia huffed, "Mother, please! I'll get married when there is someone worth marrying." 

 "I'd say there are plenty of nice boys around. What about Samuel? He's tall, strong, and Hansom," said her mother. 

 "I don't want to marry Samuel! He's conceited, forward, and presuming. He just assumes that since he is hansom and strong, that everyone must be in love with him. I don't want to marry someone like that" Amelia said hoping her mother would drop the topic. 

 "Oh, all right, Amelia, I get the point." said her mother. 

 "Thank you," she said to her mother, "Now, what did you need from me?"

 "I need you to head to the market and try to find some vegetables to put in the soup that I am going to make tonight. I have to go help your sister with her order of shirts that she has to sew."

 "Yes mother. I will find them and then come back quickly." And she went off.

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