Slender man case

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this is a real life case on attempted murder so warning possible gore and almost death


In 2014, Morgan Geyser and Anissa Weier lured their best friend, Payton Leutner, into the woods in Wisconsin and attacked her. All three girls were 12 years old.Morgan stabbed Payton 19 times before taking off with Anissa through the woods to find Slender Man, they say ordered the murder of their friend.Payton is sharing her story for the first time on Friday night's episode of . , titled "The Wicked," airs at 9 p.m. ET on ABC.

Five and a half years ago, two 12-year-old girls lured their friend into the Waukesha woods of Wisconsin and stabbed her 19 times. Why? To please Slender Man.

Now 17, the victim of the senseless attack that , Payton Leutner, is for the first time. She says she "wouldn't be" who she is today if not for the misdeeds of her then-friends, Morgan Geyser and Anissa Weier. Payton accepts the scars she now carries, both physical and psychological, saying, "It's just a part of me. I don't think much of them. They will probably go away and fade eventually." But the memory of the horrific attack will never fade. It will remain a stain on pop culture history as that time an Internet meme inspired a real-life attempted murder.

ABC's has been following the horror story closely since the beginning. And on Friday night, the network is airing a two-hour special showcasing Payton's side of the story. But since it's been half a decade since the encounter dominated headlines, it's possible the facts are a little fuzzy. Read on as we rehash everything that happened, from the time Morgan befriended Payton to that blood-soaked crime scene in the woods.

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According to Payton (pictured below) via , she first approached Morgan because she was sitting alone. After that, the pair took up like all best friends: They hung out after school, had sleepovers, and joked like little girls do. Morgan even gave Payton a sweet nickname, Bella. "She was my only friend for a long time," Morgan said to police in her .

Payton and Morgan's friendship takes a backseat when Anissa enters the picture in sixth grade.

Morgan and Anissa became friends two years later, and that's when Payton said, per , "Everything went downhill." Morgan and Anissa became obsessed with Slender Man, which scared Payton, but she said she went along with it anyway. "[Morgan] liked it and thought it was real. But I went along with it. I was supportive because I thought that's what she liked."

In 2009, Slender Man was given life in a spooky corner of the Internet called Creepypasta. A supernatural meme created as part of a Photoshop contest by Something Awful forum user (screen name Victor Surge), Slender Man is a faceless, spindly specter who stalks children and whose myth has penetrated digital stories, web videos, and now real life. .

20/20The three friends have a sleepover the night before the stabbing.

"It was a Friday night, and she was so, so excited," Payton's mother, Stacie Leutner, said in a . According to Payton, the trio were celebrating Morgan's birthday with a slumber party. But their regular old night of roller skating, pizza, and playing with their American Girl dolls turned odd. Payton said that looking back, the sleepover was a little different from all of their others, as Morgan (pictured) didn't want to stay up all night. The next morning, they went to the park.

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