Ticci Toby

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Toby grew up with several mental disorders during his childhood, making it difficult for him to fit in with "normal people".

 He was constantly bullied by his classmates for his tics (which earned him the insulting nickname "Ticci Toby") and was ultimately deemed unsuited for a public school surrounding, so he switched to homeschooling. 

While he received plenty of support from his mom and older sister Lyra, his father was nothing but a negative influence on his son.

 Having lost himself to alcohol, drugs, and gambling, Toby's father became increasingly abusive towards his family, especially Toby.

When Toby was seventeen, he and his sister were involved in a tragic car accident that resulted in Lyra's death.

 Toby's symptoms worsened greatly because of this; he lost his appetite for food, became even less social than before, and slowly began to lose his memories.

On the night he returned from the hospital, Toby saw the Slender Man watching him from the street.

 Slender Man repeatedly stalked Toby wherever he went throughout the following weeks, causing Toby to have several visual and auditory hallucinations. He saw monsters that were not there for other people.

Concerned for her own son's safety, Toby's mother brings him to a psychiatrist to help him cope with his post-traumatic stress disorder.

The next day Toby dreams of his sister's corpse followed by an attack by the Slender Man.

As Toby walked down the stairs, he began hearing voices telling him to kill his father. He eventually couldn't ignore the voices anymore and has a complete mental breakdown. After a brief struggle with his father, Toby gained the upper hand violently stabbed his father in front of his mother.

 In a desperate attempt to escape the police, he set the neighborhood on fire as a distraction but was quickly surrounded by the flames. Just as he was about to give in to his inevitable death, the Slender Man teleports in front of him and saves him.

Two weeks later, Toby's mother listens to a news story about the murders of several teenagers. The main suspect is Toby due to one of his hatchet's being found at the crime scene. This marks the moment Toby officially becomes the Slender Man's loyal proxy.


Have a good day and night

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