The moment in the rain

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Lena's POV

"I can't believe we're expecting a huge rainstorm. I feel like it's such a random time for it, ya know?"

Kara had invited me to do homework in her dorm. It had originally seemed like a good idea until every five minutes Kara would have a random thought I couldn't resist Entertaining.

"I'm not upset about it in the slightest." I shrug. "I'm a big fan of the rain actually. I find something by comforting about the gloomy skies."

Kara gums in response looking out the windows where dark skies awaited, "I've always fancied the wind more. It made me feel a sense of freedom. Almost like I was flying."

"There tends to be wild before a rain storm. We could go on a small walk if you'd like. We've been working for a few hours now, a break would be nice." I suggest the idea knowing that in total we had probably only done an hours worth of work.

"Really?!" Kara eyes seemed to light up with excitement.

"Just let me get on my shoes."

I smile grabbing my vans and slipping them on. Kara was any standing by the door. I'm sure if she had a tail it would be going crazy. I get why Alex always compares her to a golden retriever.

We started walking and talking and eventually lost track of time. It was easy to do that with Kara. All of the anxiety would simply melt away and I could just talk. It was one of my favorite things to do really. More so when her eyes would begin to light up the more and more excited she got.

We didn't notice it at first. The small drops that would hit or sweaters as the wind wiped through our hair. Eventually the drops became larger and more frequent. Before we knew it we were being drenched.

I burst out laughing as Kara began to jump in puddles stalling our progress to our building.

"Your socks are gonna get soaked!" I call over the falling rain.

She simply smiled and kicked water towards me, "They're gonna be soaked anyway! Might as well have fun. Besides I thought you liked the rain."

"Yeah. From inside or a light sitting shower that I can dance in!" I laugh splashing her back.

"You can done in this rain too!" She laughs grabbing my hands and begins to twirl me around, "See?"

Kara continues to spin me around and away with me to her own like beat. In that moment everything seemed to show. Her blonde hair now looking brown as it sticks to her face and blue eyes somehow looking more vibrant. The smile on her face was wider than when I suggested we go on a walk in the wind. I felt my heart stop for a moment. If I was brave enough I would kiss her. The moment would be perfect. Or saying slower and Kara send to be looking at me intently. Like she was debating something. I could've imagined it. But for a second or two I could've sworn that she started to lean in.

"What are you two idiots doing?!" We're but Juno assist and turn to see Alex shouting out her window, "Get back to your building before you catch a cold!"

We both laugh and start running to a building that was about a bunch away. We go back to Kara dorm since I had left my laptop there.

"Do you want to borrow a pair of seats and a T-shirt? These wet clothes aren't very warm it comfy."

"Oh uh sure." I smile taking off my socks and shoes.

She nods handing me says items. I lock myself away in the bathroom and change. Her clothes are a tad baggy on me but it worked. I stare in the mirror. We hang adjacent listed in the rain. I had simply imagined it. It was that silly little box op opening just a crack. If anything I was the one that had leaned in.


Kara's POV

I hand Lena the clothes and she spins into the bathroom. I had started to lean in. Any rational thought I had was gone and I was ready to risk it all. I feel my phone buzz.

Driver: did I interrupt an important moment between you and Lena?? /op (6:28 pm)

Car: Yes? No? Maybe. I think I was about to kiss her 🫣 (6:29pm)

Driver: damn I didn't know you had the guts (6:29pm)

Kara: I didn't either!! (6:30pm)

I hear the bathroom door open so I instinctively looked up. I had believed Lena to be beautiful before but something about her in slightly large clothes made it increased ten fold. Just like in the rain I had every urge to kiss her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2022 ⏰

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