Chapter 43- Danny's Old Diary

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(Luna's POV)

I found myself awake in a Danny's old darkened room but without him in site; he can't still be talking to mom surely because it must be so late. 

I sat up gently in bed as to not trigger anything heart related and grabbed my phone from the side drawer to check the time; 2am exactly. I switched the old lamp on and managed to swing my legs and allow my feet to hit the shitty carpet that hasn't been changed in this room for as long as I can remember. 

I lifted myself up from the bed and walked out towards the living room seeing Danny and mom fast asleep snuggled upon the couch. Danny actually adores his mom more than he shows and if you didn't know then he is an absolute mommy's boy. 

I was about to walk back to bed when I noticed the stockpile of paper work upon the coffee table; has he read all of this. I walked towards the paperwork glancing at various sheets of paper before something truly shocking caught my eye. 

I picked up the piece of paper and started to viciously read it before it suddenly rocked my internal core. This is what Danny has been hiding for weeks possibly months; its obvious that he never had the guts to tell me but he should have told me this; I bet John knows about this too. 

What the letter states is a court order; Danny and my bastard parents will go to court and fight over me meanwhile I'm going to be taken away. I won't be with Danny and it doesn't even say how long I will be gone for; only that in 14 days I will be escorted from my home at Danny's into an orphanage. 

I dropped the letter back in its original place and quietly ran back into Danny's old room starting to feel tears prickling my eyes. 

I know all this time Danny has been keeping me illegally but something always told me that no further action or harm would come to me yet reality is about to spank my ass the same way I once saw a guy spank Danny's during sex. 

It was an accident since I didn't even know he had someone in the house; I was asleep at the time and I must have been about 13 years old. Thankfully it hasn't scarred or traumatised me too much but I now make sure Danny tells me if he has someone over. 

I sat back upon the bed and pulled my knees close to my chest as I felt my heart sink in fear; if I'm going to be taken away I certainly won't go without a fight. 

This might be that one thing that causes me to have a heart attack and then for that heart attack to kill me off in an instant. 

Suppose I did fake a heart attack; it would mean I would end up in hospital under Elliot's care; I mean it sounds like a plan but faking heart attacks can come with complications including having major heart surgery when I don't need it. 

I was about to crawl back into bed when another item caught my eyes; I stood up and grabbed the item which turned out be Danny's old diary. 

I sat back upon the bed and wrapped myself up within the duvet and the diary that has really intrigued me. I know I shouldn't be going through Danny's stuff but this is my chance to find out stuff like when he first came out and when Adore Delano did her first ever gig. 

I opened the diary and started reading various entries which were mostly boring like they were really just about guys he really fancied and some were about the weird antics he used to get up to with John. 

I skipped a few pages more into the diary before I came across a diary entry '22nd August 1998 Luna is born' fuck he actually wrote a diary entry about my birth. 

I started reading it only to realise Danny actually adores me like I'm actually the best thing in the world to happen to him, it read.

'Today is a good day; my brother's wife went into labour in the early hours of this morning and my niece Luna has been born; I held her for a brief moment before my mom took over her but in that moment; I felt love I had never felt before. 

Unspeakable love that only Luna would provide; she has shone a light through me and I want to protect this precious being from all the harm in the world. I'm gonna be the best damn uncle in the world and introduced her to the wonderful world of Adore Delano and watch her grow by my side and I will protect Luna from the earth's harm. 

I love you Luna Noriega; welcome to the world and remember I love you so much babygirl and whenever you need to feel safe then come to your uncle Danny, I love you Luna'. 

I had tears descending from my eyes and my heart felt so much love towards Danny even more than what is already there. 

At the bottom of the entry was a picture of Danny and me tightly secured within his arms probably only an hour's old and he looked so...happy. I've never seen him so happy before and you can just see all the love coursing through his eyes and even a few tears. 

I knew Danny loved me but this has really just opened my eyes to how much he really does love me and why he has been so protective ever since my parent's abuse towards me and my heart condition. 

He never would want to lose me and if Danny did then I don't think he would cope well in the world and although he did try his best to protect me from the earth's harm...he couldn't protect me from the one thing that was so close to parents. 

But Danny not protecting me from my parents was the least of my problems; should I tell Danny that I know about the court order to remove me from his care or should I just wait until it actually happens. 

I wish running away was an option but I've been running away too much recently and now with Danny's own heart condition to consider; I need to tread carefully so I don't trigger his heart. 

My poor baby; he must be under so much stress right now and the soon to be circumstances where we will be separated is gonna tear us physically apart. 

I placed Danny's old diary back in its original place and I crawled back into bed trying to work out whether or not to tell Danny that I know I'm gonna be removed from his care. 

If I did run away; the authorises would have a difficult time finding me since I've got thousands of dollars and a passport behind me. I could go anywhere in the world and they wouldn't find me but maybe for once in my life; I've got to listen because this is no laughing matter. 

The worse case scenario is Danny can't prove the abuse really happened and I'll be right back to square one with my horrible disgusting bastard parents. 

I'm really fucking terrified and it means I've got to make the most of time I still have with my uncle because when the court date starts; I might not be allowed to see him for safety reasons. 

"Hey baby" I suddenly heard Danny at his door "yeah Danny" I asked and saw the door open revealing Danny "are you alright baby; your heart rate is really increased" he asked walking over to me sitting upon the bed; fuck I forgot he had my heart monitor.

"I'm okay; just had a bad dream" I lied through my teeth in hopes he wouldn't question me any further and I wouldn't have to admit that I know about the removal of his care. 

"As long as its just a bad dream and nothing more serious" he smiled before caressing my right cheek "honestly I'm ok" I smiled up at him.

"Do you want me to stay with you" he asked "yes please Danny" I smiled he smiled before he started to strip to his boxers and shirt and he soon got into his small single bed and cuddled up to me. 

"I know there isn't a lot of room but this reminds me of old times when I was a kid" I said before I turned around and rested my head upon Danny's chest "so many fond memories" he said before yawning. 

I wrapped my arms around Danny's stomach and started to rest my eyes and soon found myself fast asleep. 

A/N I apologise but I'm gonna be doing slow updates because my life is really chaotic at the moment; hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2022 ⏰

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I Will Hold You Through Your Heartache Babygirl (Danny Noriega/Adore Delano)Where stories live. Discover now