Chapter 13- I'm Not Okay/Shadiest Queen

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(Luna's POV)

I woke up the next morning to the smell of coffee and toast; I sat up and realised I was in Violet's bed. 

I got so worried because I thought I was in an alternative world where my parents actually loved me. 

I got up from the bed and picked up my phone from the side draw; I unlocked and saw over 300 messages and 200 missed calls from Danny. 

As much as I knew I should let him know that I'm okay; I was still infuriated by him and I just didn't want to talk to him. 

I walked out of the bedroom and walked downstairs; I inhaled sharply and instantly felt hunger within my stomach. 

"Good morning beautiful" Violet smiled as I walked into his kitchen "morning baby" I smiled and wrapped my arms around him from the back. 

"How are you this morning" he asked as he started to butter the toast "I'm feeling a bit better I guess" I sighed and buried my face within the crook of his neck.

"I know you're secretly not; you're enduring heartache aren't you" he sighed and turned in my arms I sighed.

"Its true Vi" I sighed he sighed "come here baby" Violet picked me up into his arms and I wrapped my arms around his neck and I started to slowly let tears escape.

"If Danny didn't argue with me and made me go back to my parent's house then I wouldn't have been raped" I sobbed into Violet's neck "shhh, I know baby; try not to think about Danny" Violet described comforting patterns upon my back. 

I pulled away and looked at Violet in his eyes; I'm happy Violet is here, comforting me even though my heart really wants Danny. 

"I don't feel well Vi" I sighed "my poor babygirl" he sighed "can you call Trixie" I asked "sure but first..." he walked over to the couch and placed me down upon the couch.

"Hang on" Violet said and went over back into the kitchen; I wrapped myself in the blanket that was on the couch and waited for Violet to return. 

He came back and he passed me some toast and put a cup of coffee upon the coffee table for me, aw he's so cute. 

"Thanks Vi" I smiled "its okay beautiful; you just get rest whilst I phone Trixie" he kissed my head I smiled and settled down, putting the TV on. 

I went on Netflix and clicked on Drag Race, finding a season to watch; as much I wanted to watch season 6 because of my uncle Roy, I didn't want to see Danny so I went onto watch season 7. 

I love how Violet was the shadiest queen on season 7 but she slowly made friends with all the other queens and I love that. 

"Vi, I totally love how you were the shadiest queen on season 7 but you're actually just really nice" I smiled as he walked downstairs and sat on the couch next to me, putting my legs upon his lap.

"Oh shut the fuck up" he hit me with a pillow, nearly making my toast fall "Vi, you nearly made my toast fall" I giggled "well that's what you get for calling me the shadiest queen" he smiled I rolled my eyes and ate the last slice of my toast. 

"Anyway, Trixie has officially been called and he's on his way over" Violet smiled I smiled "thanks baby" I said and grabbed my coffee from the coffee table. 

"Can I ask you something" I said "what is it" Violet asked "why were you the shadiest queen on season 7" I asked "oh for fuck..." Violet groaned and pulled his phone out of his pocket. 

"Just tell me why you were so shady, I'll leave you alone if you do" I giggled "why can't you just leave me alone now" he asked glancing over at me. 

"Because I asked you a question and now you need to answer me" I said he rolled his eyes and the door bell chimed "Trixie is here" I smiled Violet rolled his eyes and went to answer the door. 

"Hi Violet, how is she" Trixie asked "see for yourself" Violet said and I saw him walking over to me.

"Hey baby Lu, how are you" he asked sitting cross-legged on the floor "I'm still infuriated by Danny and I'm still scarred" I sighed "oh poor baby" he sighed caressing my cheek.

"Trixie, Violet" I said they both looked at me awaiting for what I was going to say "can we watch a movie or something; I really don't feel good and I love you guys" I smiled they both smiled and nodded in agreement. 

"I'll get some popcorn and snacks" Violet smiled walking into his kitchen "I'll pick a movie" I smiled going through Netflix; Trixie smiled and sat on the couch next to me. 

"Can I ask you something Trix" I asked "sure anything" Trixie said glancing over at me "why was Violet the shadiest queen on season 7" I asked.

"Because she was mean and didn't want to socialise with any of us" Trixie laughed looking at Violet who just rolled his eyes. 

Violet sat at the end of the couch and I realised that I wanted to be in the middle. 

"I wanna be in the middle" I whined and got up from the couch and sat in between Violet and Trixie; they both smiled and wrapped their arms around me as I pressed play on 'Hurricane Bianca'. 

I smiled knowing how protected I was and I closed my eyes slowly, letting sleep take over me for a few hours.  

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