Chapter 40- Denial Being Trans?/Hello Stranger

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(Luna's POV)

The next morning I woke up to someone poking me and to be honest I really wasn't in the best mood.

"Piss off, I'm sleeping" I moaned and buried my head further into my pillow "baby come on; lets go out to Venice beach and we can get some ice cream" Danny said "ugh but isn't it like 10 in the morning" I asked turning round to face Danny.

"No, its past 2pm and you said you wanted to go to the beach so lets go" Danny smiled "fine; give me 10" I groaned rubbing my eyes "sure baby" he kissed my head and left my room.

Just to clarify; I wanted to go to the beach last night but to be fair, I think I need to get out for a bit. 

I got out of bed and went to my closet pulling out my black skinnies, fresh boxers, socks and Trixie shirt. I placed them on my bed and went into my en suite and started to brush my teeth, hair and makeup. 

Once I was done; I returned to my bedroom and quickly got ready as I am starting to feel more positive about going to the beach and getting some ice cream with my uncle. I grabbed my phone and walked downstairs to see Danny and John in a pillow fight, as you do. 

"I'm ready" I smiled "you ready to go baby" Danny asked throwing one last pillow at John "yeah, I'm starting to feel more positive" I smiled "that's my baby" he smiled kissing my forehead and he walked into the kitchen.

"Have a good afternoon baby" John smiled opening his arms out for a hug "oh are you not coming John" I asked sitting next to him as he wrapped his arms around me "afraid not; I've got some tour stuff to sort out for Adore but you and Danny need some time alone" John smiled and kissed my cheek "okay I love you John" I smiled "love you too babygirl" John smiled as I walked towards the door.

"You need to tell her Danny because if she finds out the hard way, she won't go easy" I heard John; wait I won't go easy, what's he talking about...maybe its nothing and its just paranoia. 

"Come on Danny or else the ice cream will melt" I laughed jokingly and got in the car waiting for Danny. 

He soon got in the car but glancing at him, I noticed he looked a bit off; maybe its something that John was talking about, I should properly just ignore it. 

"So I've been talking to Elliot" Danny trailed off as he drove down into LA "what about exactly" I asked "about you wanting top surgery and I know it isn't the best time but he said he knows a great surgeon that has done tons of top surgeries" Danny smiled "well I suppose but what if I wanted testosterone too" I asked.

"Erm..." Danny paused for a minute as he didn't know what to say to me exactly "baby, can I ask you a serious question" he asked I nodded as I knew exactly what he was about to ask me.

"Are you 100% positive that you're not trans; like you could be FTM but you're just denying it" Danny asked "I'm positive but if I'm gonna pass as a guy, I need a deep voice" I smiled "but baby if you go on testosterone; most changes are irreversible so when your voice drops, it will never go back to its original pitch" Danny said as he focused upon his driving.

"But in order to achieve something like a deep voice; I must go on T; even if it is irreversible" I said "but baby if you decide you want your original pitch back; it wont happen, all the changes that affect you will be permeant" Danny sighed I sighed.

"Can we talk about this another time; I'm starting to feel slightly negative" I sighed "I'm sorry baby but I don't want you making any rash decision about something that is so permanent upon you mentally and physically" he sighed "I know maybe I need to talk to someone professional first" I smiled "now you're seeing some sense" Danny laughed and ruffled my hair I rolled my eyes and gazed out of the window for the remainder of the journey. 

We finally arrived and we both got out and started walking to my favourite ice cream parlour. 

"Its absolutely lovely today" Danny smiled and wrapped an arm around my shoulder "it is but I'm a little hot" I said "that's because you're in fucking black jeans you dipshit" Danny laughed I rolled my eyes and we walked into the parlour. 

As we walked in; I noticed a certain someone's white hair, slender physique and looking really bored; it was Max and no I still haven't gone on a date with him yet. 

"I'll order if you want" I smiled as we sat opposite each other at a table "are you sure; I don't mind baby" Danny smiled "no I want to build my confidence a bit more" I smiled getting up from my seat "alright baby; I'll have a strawberry ice cream with some marshmallows" he smiled handing me some money "that's disgusting but sure" I smiled as I grabbed the money from his hand and walked over to the queue. 

It seemed like forever with the queue but soon I came face to face with Max once again. 

"Well hello there beautiful; what happened to our date that was suppose to be 100 years ago" he laughed "sorry Max; I have a pretty hectic life but I wanted to make it up by showing up here again for you still know that I like you" I smiled.

"Well I guess we can have our first date after my shift if you're not busy" he smiled "I think I can squeeze it in" I smiled "alright then beautiful; are you ordering anything" he asked "sure; can I have bubblegum ice cream with marshmallows and strawberry ice cream with marshmallows please" I smiled.

"That second one sounded disgusting, who's that for" he asked as he started to scoop the ice cream into little tubs "for my uncle; I think he's pregnant" I giggled "he should probably get checked out" he smiled and place the tubs in front of me "if you want after your shift; you could come and meet him" I smiled "okay; I'll see you in about 40 mins" he smiled I smiled and handed him the money.

"See you later handsome" I winked and and walked over to Danny with the ice cream "who's that baby" Danny asked "that's Max; I really like him and I'm going on my first date with him soon and you get to meet him" I smiled.

"Oh I really will have to meet him if my baby is going on a date; you never told me about a guy" Danny got all curious "I met him when you was very ill so I didn't want to mention him" I smiled "he looks cute baby; you're in love aren't you" Danny teased "piss off" I giggled.

"By the way; what is going to happen with your heart condition because we haven't really spoken properly about it" I said "well Elliot has stated that it isn't as severe as yours so I don't need constant treatment; just a daily injection everyday" he smiled I sighed.

"Danny, why do you have it" I asked "genetic genes baby; the truth is when you were very little; this was before I started to look after you, I actually had a heart attack" Danny sighed "but when I was rushed into hospital; the doctors couldn't diagnose me because they weren't sure what caused my heart attack but I knew exactly what it was" he said.

"When I discovered that you were diagnosed; I was heartbroken but I promised myself that you would get the very best treatment" Danny smiled "but if you knew exactly what caused the heart attack; how come you never went back for further treatment" I asked starting to eat my ice cream.

"Because...I don't know actually baby; I just didn't think it was so serious and to be honest, if it was that serious then I would have had continued to have heart attacks" he smiled I sighed. 

"Danny...the heartbreaking thing for me is that I promised myself you would never have my heart condition but you do" I sighed "baby its genetic; at the end of the day I have it and we will just have to support each other like we have done for the many past years" he smiled and grabbed my hand and kissed it. 

"Okay but I have another question" I asked "yes baby; I'm listening" he said "what about the cancer" I asked "you'll have some tests done at the hospital in a few days; no offence but I think if it really was cancerous this tumor then you wouldn't be out here having ice cream" Danny smiled.

"Don't worry; whatever the outcome, we'll be by each other's side and we will find a way" he smiled and kissed my head "thanks Danny" I smiled "I love you my weirdo" he smiled I smiled and Danny started eating his ice cream.

A/N What was John talking about with Danny; is it something that is about to turn their world upstairs?

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