Chapter 3- Heart Transplant/Dressed Like A Whore

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*Few Hours Later*

(Luna's POV)

Its been a few hours; I've had my treatment and I was back at Danny's place, on the couch having couch rest. 

I always get really tired after my treatment so I either have a nap or just chill out for a bit whilst my medicine starts to kick in and work. 

"Hey baby Chola, how you doing" Danny asked walking over to the couch and sitting on it "I'm in pain" I sighed "aw I know boo; I can't do anything for you" Danny sighed and grabbed my one of my hands, starting to rub my knuckles softly. 

"I hate this, why can't they just let me have a heart transplant" I asked "because you don't require one; honestly Chola, if I could give you heart transplant I would but I can't" Danny sighed. 

"How long will I have to wait until the doctors will finally see that I need one" I asked and crawled over to Danny. 

"Be thankful you don't require heart surgery" Danny wrapped his arms around me and I rested my head upon his chest; I guess Danny was right, I was lucky that I don't require heart surgery. 

"You know when I made you get up because I have a special surprise for you" Danny said "yeah, the one that you actually have not mentioned until now" I said looking up to Danny.

"Yeah that one, well what if I said in a few hours time; we can see Alaska Thunderfuck" Danny smiled.

"What, are you fucking with me" I asked hugging him really tight "no, I'm not; she has a gig tonight and she invited us a few weeks back" Danny smiled. 

"Yasssss hunty; I get to see my Lasky" I smiled excitedly and kissed Danny's cheek repeatedly. 

"I've not seen her in fucking ages; can we see uncle Justin too" I asked looking at Danny "of course we can Princess, shall we pick out our outfits" Danny asked smirking at me I giggled and clung onto his shoulders.

"Carry me to my room please" I said Danny could only smile and he got up from the couch and wrapped his arms around me as he walked upstairs to our rooms. 

"Can you walk alright" Danny asked once we got upstairs to the hallway "I think so; is Adore attending the event tonight" I asked "no, she's not baby sadly" he said I sighed but walked to my room, going to my closet. 

I kinda want to dress like a whore tonight; not a bad one more of a sexy mixture of Adore Delano and Sharon Needles. 

Lets just say; if I was ever a drag queen and created a drag persona; my drag aesthetic would be between those two. 

After searching through my closet; I finally agreed on a slim black dress with fishnets and my black and white converse because I like to keep it casual. 

I laid my items out upon the bed with some socks and a fresh thong and soon went into my en suite and switched the shower on. 

I got my towels and placed them on my door hooks and got into the shower, letting the warm water caress me. 

*Skipping Shower*

I finally got out of the shower and started to dry myself off and my hair; I soon flat ironed my hair and started to do my makeup. 

I've always been inspired by Adore's makeup and tonight I was doing Adore's signature look in her music video 'I Look Fuckin' cool', she's amazing in it. 

After I did my makeup; I went back into my room and started to get dress into my gown for the evening with my fishnets and sexy thong. 

"Baby Chola" Danny knocked on my bedroom door "yes pizza Chola" I asked "are you ready baby" he asked "I am Danny" I said grabbing my phone and wallet. 

I opened my door and it revealed Danny in some really tight black jeans, a 'Misfits' shirt and jacket.

"My god, you have to dress like a whore don't you" Danny laughed and wrapped an around my shoulders and we started walking downstairs. 

"Oh be quiet; you've been a whore all your life and so has Adore" I argued as I went over to the front door and grabbed a thin jacket.

"You know the reasons why me and Adore are whores and I certainly don't find it appropriate that I have to see my niece as one" he laughed grabbing his car and house keys. 

"You don't have to look at me you know uncle Danny" I laughed and walked to his car, getting in the passenger seat. 

"You need to stop with that shady attitude; Elliot's right, you need to stop watching Drag Race" Danny laughed and started the car up. 

"You can't stop me from watching Drag Race so don't even try it" I said and started playing Alaska's album 'Anus' and started blasting out 'Your Makeup Is Terrible'. 

Danny hates it when I would play other drag queens music besides from Adore's because he thinks that Adore's is the best music out there in aspect to drag queens. 

I somehow I feel like we have a long journey ahead of us but I can't wait to see Alaska and Justin tonight, its going to be awesome. 

A/N This may or may not be one of my best works yet in aspect to Danny Noriega/Adore Delano.    

I Will Hold You Through Your Heartache Babygirl (Danny Noriega/Adore Delano)Where stories live. Discover now