The Way I Loved You

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A/N: All of them OOC. I am going into a new writing style. And I honestly like it more it's fun to write. The new chapter of "Our Fate And Destiny" is in the works, I haven't forgot about it. But I just decided to try something new. If you didn't like it excuse my language but fuck off I don't care.

This is a preview? I guess of something I'm working on.

Enjoy ❤

Word count: 4,765

She's perfect.

She is sensible and so incredible. She says everything I need to hear. And it's like I couldn't ask for anything better. She opens my door. And she tells me I look beautiful.

And I feel amazing.

"Hey, babe." I lightly smiled, as I felt a kiss on my cheek. I tilted my head, staring into her blue eyes. Eyes that I should adore so much.

I forced my face to relax and sighed. "Hi," I say, grabbing her hand. It was rough. Dry.

But that's okay.

It doesn't matter.

"You look beautiful," She said, I feel like I should've blushed or something but I didn't. You know when someone says something too many times and it starts to mean nothing?

I just kindly smiled. "Thanks," I said, she softly chuckled. "So how was your day?" She asked, actually interested.

She's just perfect.

So perfect that she made all of my single friends jealous.

She was the dream girl. Everything a girl could ask for. She buys me flowers. Tells me sweet things. Treats me like a princess. No, a Queen. Perfect girlfriend. Perfect girl. I should feel perfect.

But I can't help but miss all the nights with...


I shook my head, quickly getting out of the car and slamming her door shut. I was done and she was stressing me out. "Ryan, this is stupid," Sophie tried again, getting out of the car as well. I was tired of this bullshit. It was 2 fucking am and instead of sleeping, I'm out here cursing her name.

"Sophie, no," I said, I didn't want to have this conversation again. We were arguing the whole car ride here.

My throat was hurting from all the yelling. I just wanted to rest. But no of course Sophie wanted to finish the conversation.

She smacked her teeth, as I continued to walk away until I feel fingers wrap around my wrist.

Her skin was always soft and smooth.

I snapped around, Sophie slightly flinched at the sudden moment but didn't let go. "Come on, babe, I was just kidding, okay?" She said, I rolled my eyes. Oh, she was kidding. Being the class clown. The jokester.

She's not a damn comedian.

I snatched my wrist out of her grip. "And I didn't find it funny, okay?" I said, crossing my arms over my chest, and straightening my back. I never stepped down from an argument with her.

And neither did she.

Oddly, I missed screaming and fighting over the nonsense that we probably didn't even remember.

I shook my head, and Sophie squinted her eyes. "You're fighting with me over some bullshit that doesn't even matter, Ry, what's going on?" She asked, I rolled my eyes again. It was always "some bullshit" like my own feeling didn't matter.

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