Your Voice Keeps Me Awake (And Helps Him Fall Asleep)

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A/N: So the prequel of "the way I love you" is in the drafts. I have already two chapters almost finished, the whole plot is already done so yay.

Word: 1237


Ryan sighed, it was the third time she woke up from crying when she gave up on sleep. She was currently sitting on their bed waiting, patiently. She felt Sophie get up minutes ago she believed. So why isn't their son asleep?

She frowned, rubbing her eyes, deciding to just get up and try to help her wife. She grabbed her blanket, wrapping it around herself, as she stood up. She wasn't going to walk around in this cold-ass house half-naked.

So she dragged it to the next room with her. She tilted her head, seeing the door already open. Sophie was standing in front of his crib, and Ryan leaned against the door frame.

Sophie sighed. "How does your mom do this so easily?" Sophie asked, placing him down in his crib, frustrated. She already feed him. Burped him. Changed his diaper. She just knew he was tired. She sighed, caressing his head. He wasn't screaming like before but he wasn't quiet either.

She rubbed her temple, licking her lips. She didn't know what to do. He would be asleep if he was in Ryan's arms in a few milliseconds but why not hers?

As she went quiet, she noticed his face started to scrunch up and she knew he was about to scream. "Damn it." Her eyes widen, and then the little boy magically stopped and his eyes sparkled. "I mean I'm so sorry I shouldn't be cursing in front of a newborn, huh?" She asked, with a lazy smile, causing her son to smile back.

Her brows furrowed. "Why are you smiling?" She asked, before rolling her eyes. She softly laughed. "You're a baby you can't answer that."

She smiled. "Well only if you're not a spy from a weird business in the sky," She said, softly, poking his nose, the infant's nose scrunched up, and he grabbed her finger in his tiny hands. She chuckled, shaking her head. "But you can't be because I saw you get pushed out," She continued, before squinting her eyes. "And it was very painful for all three of us."

She smirked, as her son started to bite on her knuckle. "Don't you ever get in trouble with your mom, okay? She got some man hands," She said, he giggled, causing Sophie to chuckle, not knowing from behind her, Ryan was rolling her eyes, with a soft smile.

She licked her lips, before biting down on it. She sighed, staring into his dark brown eyes. As the world around her dawned. "I don't know what I would do without your mom," She said, softly, as her brows furrowed.

During the time she thought Kate died she lost herself. It got worse when she came back and still left her, it felt like hell. She and Ryan still stood on a rocky road so she didn't have anyone to lean on (instead of Jordan, but she would've never truly understood if she had tried).

"I wouldn't have you, my beautiful boy, or be happy." She smiled, wryly. "I probably would've been sleeping with strange women and drinking my feelings away." She watched as her son giggled, not understanding a single thing she said, gladly.

"Your mother truly saved me."

"I would've waited years for your mother...she was and still is worth it," She spoke, almost dreamily, watching as her son's slowly blinked, as he was fighting off sleep.

She smiled, softly, as sleep consumes the infant. "I'm just glad she realized sooner than later that we were meant to be," She said, sweetly.

She leans over kissing her temple, as his grip loosens on her finger. "Good night, my sweet boy."

She sighed, turning to see a still figure behind her. "Shi-," Her head snapped to her mouth, half way through stopping her scream, Ryan raised a brow, unbothered.

"Man hands, really?" Sophie shook her head, ignoring the question, as she grabbed the door knob.

"Damn, you like a thief at the night," She mumbled, as she tried to calmly close the door, hearing the door click, and nothing come from the other side, she silently cheered.

"What time is it?"

Ryan glances at the clock on the wall, which probably didn't actually work. "It's three," She answered, anyways.

She sighed, as the pair started walking by to their room. "That kid isn't my friend at night," Sophie said, Ryan chuckled, rolling her eyes.

"And you think he's mine in the morning?" She asked.

She squinted her eyes, as they made it into the room. "I don't think he ever spat on you," She said, causing Sophie to hum.

"Nor peeped," Sophie offered, smirking. She arched a brow. "You think it's some favoritism?"

"You think it's funny?" She asked, throwing her blanket on the bed, before climbing in.

She shrugged her shoulders, sly. "A little bit." Ryan shook her head, rolling over.

Ryan closed her eyes, as she heard Sophie's fainted laugh. After a moment she feels her body eased, the need for sleep starting to control her body.

"I can't sleep," Sophie spoke.

Her voice stopped her from her slumber. Ryan sighed, rolling over towards the blond brunette. "You need to, you know we have to meet my mom in the morning." Sophie groaned, she did not want to see Jada but she keep that to herself.

She licked her lips, glancing up at Ryan. "Can I talk to you? That will probably really help me sleep," She asked, Ryan frowned.

"I need to sleep too," She tried, Sophie shrugged her shoulders. "It's small ranting you will probably gonna go to sleep during."

She sighed, biting her tongue. "Okay."

She smiled, before moving to see up on her elbow. "Remember that show I've been watching about the army and witches," She asked, rhetorically, Ryan nodded her head.

"Yeah?" She didn't.

"So I just watched the last season tell me why my girl really died," She started the rant, dramatically, and Ryan frowned.

"And her daughter as well died and FOR G, like really?" Sophie dragged, as Ryan stared, blankly, truly not understanding what was ranting about.

She heard her speak about once or twice and heard it in the background of most nights but never really stayed focused.

She closed her eyes, as it continued, trying to sleep through it.

But she couldn't.

The gasps, the way she shook the bed when she remembered something. Ryan tried to turn away to block out her voice so she could rest but it wouldn't go away. Her voice was faint but she still felt her.

Although it was starting to get irritating, the woman sounded excited. She knew she had been wanting to rant about this for a while.

She sat there, motionlessly, waiting for her to stop. It wasn't until halfway through her rant about Manifest that she went silent.

It was probably five when it ended.

She lets out a silent breath, you give someone an inch and they wanna take a mile, she thought, shaking her head.

She calmly shifted in the bed, trying to get comfortable. She closed her eyes, as the only sound that came through was the sirens of Gotham.

As soon she was about to hit the peaceful world of dreams a loud wincing sound harshly stabbed her ears. She shot up, damn it, she thought before glancing at Sophie.

She shook her head.

She wasn't even going to test that.

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