you're so weak for my heart

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They called you the school's player.

princess charming.


the one that got away, which is the stupidest one in my opinion. How could you lose something you never had?

And the boys call you the freaky-chicks magnet, I despise that one.

I hate all of them.

But you smile when they call it, wear the titles on your sleeves like it's tattoos, you're proud of this? of being a womanizer?

You're a sick human being.

Is the exact words, I told you when you tried to approach me.

For some reason it made you go quiet.

You sat beside me.

During science class, you sat at my desk, ignoring your friends as they berated you with questions. The main ones being why are you not going towards them, but you just shook your head, and walked past them.

You sat down, and didn't say a word, so neither did I.

You were oddly quiet with me. You're usually the loudest in the class, and bothered everyone, especially the silent (weird) kids like me.

But you didn't say anything, not once looking in my direction, just watching the teacher, something you rarely do.

You surprised me with your actions.

I wanted to know what was wrong with you, wondered if you bumped your head or something, and forgot how to act.

I dug my nails into my palm, biting my bottom lip, and then I realized I didn't care enough to ask.

I knew you'd be talking the next day.

I was right.

It was B-Day, I had no classes with you, but I caught a glance.

You sat on the bleachers during lunch, laughing, as the comedic friend of your group, bounced around, probably saying a dumb joke that would make my skin crawl.

I don't know how long I stared, but soon your head turned in my direction.

You noticed me.

Looked me straight in the eyes, and stopped laughing, almost immediately, it was the strangest thing I had ever seen.

I guess your friends thought it was as well, because soon they began shoving you, trying to gain your attention, but your eyes never left mine.

I furrowed my brows, deciding to be the first to break eye contact.

I shifted the books in my arms, before looking up to see you smiling at your friends, who were most likely teasing you, but you only smiled. Didn't get up and play-fight like you usually do, just sat and listened.

It was odd for you.

I shook my head and began walking down the field because you weren't any of my business.

You sat by me again.

And again, and again.

Every A-Day, at 10:35, you'll be at my desk, sometimes before or after me, it's the only class you make it to before the bell rings.

You still didn't speak, only focused on your work, your friends still tried to bother you, but you ignored them. I noticed the tight grip on your pencil, whenever they do, it irritates you.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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