Gyutaro and Daki (12)

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3rd person POV

You quickly bought some popcorn and ate it like you were gonna watch a show.

Shenju: "So? Are you gonna fight?"

Tengen: "Yeah but who's side are you on, just to be sure?"

Shenju: "...Gyutaro is the only demon I've befriended before when he was human so I trust him, I guess. I'm on both sides on this battle."

Gyutaro lazily smiles at his statement and cockily glanced at Tengen.

Tengen: "Tch, I'll show you who's the real deal."

Gyutaro: "Ohh? Are you sure?

Tengen: "Ha-Haha! Of course." You dare doubt me!? I'm too flamboyant for my own good."

Shenju: "Get it on with already."

Tengen: "Haha! As you wish, Mr.Flamboyant!"

Gyutaro: "Look, cool guuy, you're suffering from poison."

Tengen: "Huh...?"

Shenju: "I see, Gyutaro sliced him with poison and wasted his time by telling him our little story. He will die."

Tengen: "Tch, I just noticed this now!?"

Gyutaro and Tengen started clashing their weapons while Shenju at the back, started thinking.

Shenju: "What should I cook for dinner? It's getting late."

Gyutaro and Tengen then stopped clashing. Shenju took a look at Gyutaro, he was perfectly fine but as he turns to Tengen, he notices many scars and scratches with blood dripping.

Tengen: *pant* "You...!" *Pant*

Gyutaro: "Oh, maaaaaan. totally ruined your checks, duude."

Tengen: "What have you done to my beautiful face! You unflamboyant monster!"

Shenju: "Maybe I should make pasta...Nevermind, don't have the ingredients."

Gyutaro: "Dudee, you're making me jealous...Oh so jealous."

Tengen: "But sadly, I don't give a ******* **** about it! Bi-"

Gyutaro: "Now nowww, did I make someone mad?" *Laugh*

Tengen: "shut up, will ya!?"

Gyutaro: "Ohhhh? You lost your cool, duuuuude."

Tengen: "Grrrr...I'll make you pay!"

Gyutaro: "Haaaah? For what?"

Tengen: "For making me lose my Flamboyance!"

Tengen finally takes action and started swinging his Nichirin cleavers rapidly.

Gyutaro, dodges and started doing the same with his flesh sickles.

Shenju: "But finally."

Suddenly, a sickle was moving at the speed of sound towards Shenju who was trying to be an audient.

Tengen/Gyutaro: "Oops!"

But, the sickle got sent back to them both in the blink of an eye.

Tengen: "Ha-Haha! As expected from the flamboyant man himself! Or boy! But! Let's continue our unsatisfying battle, Pyukaro!"

Gyutaro: "It's Gyutaro, maaaaaaan."

Gyutaro catches the sickle heading right at him from Shenju as Tengen started clashing his Nichirin cleavers at Gyutaro.

Gyutaro catches the sickle heading right at him from Shenju as Tengen started clashing his Nichirin cleavers at Gyutaro

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