Mark mcmorris

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"Stella, come on. Eat your food, sweetie." Mark cooed to his 6 month old daughter. She was a firecracker. Honestly, she is so funny but she is really sassy. Just like all the times before, Stella turned her head at the food. Mark groaned, grabbed the food and picked up Stella.

"Maggie!" he walked up the stairs with his now crying daughter in his arms. He entered their room.

"Hi honey." he says quietly smiling, bouncing Stella lightly to stop her crying, "I know you're sick but I just need your help. I have been trying to get her to eat for the past 45 minutes and nothing is working. I see you do it all the time. How hard can it be?"

Maggie laughed and sighed. "Sparky, maybe she isn't hungry. She will always eat if she's hungry." She took Stella from Mark and she immediately stopped crying.

"You just love your mother more than me, huh?" he said, making Stella laugh. "Okay," he sighed, "do you need anything, love?"

"No thank you, but I will come downstairs with you guys. I'm feeling a little better." she said sitting up slowly, handing Stella back to Mark.

"Woo! Stella! Mommy is coming downstairs! Mommy feels better, yay!" Mark cheered while moving Stella's arms around like she was cheering with him.

Mark supported Maggie on her way downstairs while holding Stella as well.

"Thank you sweetie." Maggie said, kissing his cheek.

"Anything for my girls." he smiled.

Maggie sat down on the couch and turned on the TV.

"Give me Stella and how about you go and make yourself some breakfast, honey." Maggie said looking at Mark .

Mark handed her their daughter, ever so gently. He sang along with the radio while he made breakfast and Stella would laugh at his dance moves. Mark picked Stella up and twirled her around in his arms, singing her favourite TV show theme song. As Mark was getting his food ready on his plate, Stella was held on his hip and he bounced her gently. He was humming to himself, as Maggie was curled up in a blanket watching Ellen.

"Alright, time to ea-" Mark was cut off by a little hand shoving pancakes in his mouth.

Stella squealed and laughed. She kept putting more and more pancakes in Marks face.

"Sweetie, no!" he laughed, "that was my breakfast."

Maggie turned around and burst into laughter.

"Come to mommy, honey." She said taking her daughter from Mark, "Wash your face."

Mark sighed and washed the syrup and pancakes from his face before walking back over to his wife and daughter. She was sitting on her mothers lap, watching the TV intently, until she realized Mark was there. She looked at him and began blowing bubbles of spit with her lips before laughing extremely hard.

"Is it "Give Daddy a hard time day" today?" Mark said, chuckling.

They rested peacefully as they watched Stella's favourite show together as a family.

Give me your suggestions in the comments on who to do next and what plot you want

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