Scotty james

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For @phelpsphann1583
Hope you like it.

Cameron's POV

I was going abroad to study physio and I got lucky and had Australia as my country. Life could not get any better. I boarded my plane and checked into the wifi. I looked at my emails and saw a new one from a snowboarding company asking if i wanted some experience with pysio training. I take it back life could get better. I clicked accept and smiled as I looked forward to the next few years of my life.

I arrived in Melbourne and found the company which I was doing my experience with.

"Hello there. May I help you?" A receptionist asked me
"Ermm yeah I'm Cameron Flint I got offered some work experience" I said

" Ah yes Miss Flint. Your in room 612 with Mr Gregory as your supervisor. You'll go to competitions with the riders and help them be in good condition if they sprain, brake or hurt anything" I nodded and set off towards the elevator.


I sat at a desk doing all the theory behind physio and taking notes of some thing Mr Gregory told me.
After a week of doing the same thing I finally got a break when the X games were in starting. Me and John (Mr Gregory) flew over with some competitors and I couldn't wait to finally gets some hands on experience.


I was alone waiting in the tent for John to come back as he was at slope style attending a suspected broken rib. Suddenly I heard a groan as a snowboarder came in to the tent. He smiled and his manager said "he's hurt his back and needs treatment please" before I could even gather a response he left. It was just me and the snowboarder now. I smiled and said " My supervisor should be back soon." He frowned and said " I need this fixing now u have another run in the pipe in 10 mins" I nodded and told him to sit down on the medical table.

"Okay your back hurts. Correct?" I asked and He nodded.

" ok I'm erm gonna have to take your top off" I said blushing. Again he just nodded. " I'm Cameron By the way" he smiled " I'm Scotty" he replied. I gently took his shirt off and told him to lay face down on the table.
" you should at least take me on a date first " he mumbled

I chuckled but it quickly turned to concentration.

" who put this tape on your back?" I questioned

" my manager" he replied

"It's a mess. No wonder your backs hurting" I removed the tape and got some cream and began rubbing it into his back he groaned slightly as his muscles relaxed. I started to tape and he became very relaxed at my touch.

I pulled the tape tight and he tensed in pain. "Sorry" I mumbled. "It's okay" he said through gritted teeth.

One I had done he put his short back on and walked out but not before giving me a kiss on the check and a promise.

" if I win gold I'll come back and we can go on that first date" I smiled and agreed.

And that's how me and my soon to be husband met 

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