Marcus Kleveland

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You were sat in the amazing hotel that you and your boyfriend were staying in in Aspen waiting for him to come back from the slopes. You knew when you came that this would be all he was doing while you were here and you really had no problems with it. Snowboarding was his job and while he was only 17, you knew already that this was what he was going to do with his life. But you still missed him, being only 16 yourself, you were still in school and had little time to see him as he was travelling the world competing. But you supported him nevertheless. You gave up waiting for him and went out onto the slopes to see if you could see him, you were a decent snowboarder but nothing compared to him and his friends.

You were at the top of the slope looking for Marcus when you decided to just give up and have some fun. You started boarding down the beautiful mountain nice and steady, breathing in the breath-taking views. Out of no where you started to lose control and inevitably fell on your bum, sliding down the mountain a little. you giggled to yourself and stood back up only to hear the unmistakeable jovial laugh of Marcus coming closer and closer to you. You looked behind you and saw him coming over a huge jump in the mountain, doing so many spins it made you dizzy. As he landed he spotted you and started to wave. However doing this broke his concentration and he fell not 2 metres to your left. Giggling, you shifted closer to him and helped him up to find him laughing as well. '' I thought you were supposed to be the pro'' you teased. '' Hey I can't help it, I got distracted'' he smiled back at you before yelling ''RACE YOU!!'' and sliding away. Rolling your eyes you followed your goof of a boyfriend to the bottom of the mountain, coming to a stop right by him. You looked up and saw him smiling down at you before pulling you into a huge hug. you smiled and hugged back.

Marcus lead you into a café back at the hotel and ordered two hot chocolates for you both. when they came you took a huge gulp, warming your insides up. '' I don't know how you do this everyday without freezing'' you say. '' I don't freeze because I'm upside down half the time, I don't stay still long enough to freeze!'' he joked. You looked up to see him smirking at you, '' what??'' you asked. '' You have a little bit of whipped cream'' He says leaning over and wiping the cream off your nose and giving it an affectionate kiss afterwards. You blushed a little and thanked him before stealing another kiss off him and finishing your drink, a smile on both your faces.

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