CHAPTER -1 Classroom

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This was the first class hour of the day at the Hagja university. Kim Nam-Joon was teaching history, Jungkook hated history and was very annoyed with the fact that history was the first class of the day so he closed his ears with his hands and laid his head down over the table, Jimin was sneaking, watching his phone under his desk but Taehyung loves to study history so he was very attentive and was listening to namjoon who went on and on about historical monuments of Korea.

Suddenly y/n sitting on the bench behind jungkook started asking him about her project that she gave him yesterday to study, which jungkook assured will return today But he forgot to return it so y/n was yelling at him and this annoyed him even more. All of a sudden Y/N got hit by Jungkook's bag and she fell to the ground, this caught namjoon's attention, and immediately he thought it was jungkook who did this act, scolded jungkook. Jungkook apologized to Y/N cause he didn't want to create a scene. 

After class vminkook was walking in the corridor, Jimin asked jungkook about what happened in class and Jungkook's answer was I didn't do anything, and then Taehyung added if you didn't do anything means who did it to which Jimin playfully replied maybe a ghost did it, oh jimin stop with your idiotic talk lets go to the canteen and I'm already very pissed. 

The next chapters will be updated soon

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