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Boy, they weren't kidding about Bracca being a junkyard, Lera thought.

As usual, she has left the Blazing Star to recharge its batteries near the main sun, and also to keep it out of sight of scavengers. This was a junkyward after all.

Where the hell do I land? Lera contemplated. There was no visible landing platform as the whole planet was covered in trash. I might have to let the Dwarf hover on autopilot and go on foot.

Just as she was about to find a secluded area away from any incinerators, two ships appeared above her and radioed her in.

"Shuttle 335, this is the Scrapper Guild," one of the pilots said. "You are tresspassing and have no scheduled appointment. Identify yourself and state your business."

"This is Lera Neacon, pilot of the White Dwarf. I seek to purchase decomissioned droids for ship maintenance."

There was an awkward radio silence. "Follow us," another pilot replied and they led the way.

Lera followed close behind and after a few minutes of flying they reached some sort of circular ditch among a trash pile. It was a camouflaged platform that opened when the Guild ships descended into it. Underground headquarters? Smart.

Lera landed the Dwarf a few hundred meters below the surface, near the other two ships that had escorted her. When she got out, a couple of dozen Scrappers were waiting for her, with most pointing blasters in her direction. Lera raised her arms in defense.

"Are you armed?" One of the Scrappers asked. 

Lera decided he was the commander. "Maybe," she answered.

"Search her." He demanded as a someone approached and groped her.

"Sir, she has a lightsaber," the masked person said.

The Scrappers whispered among themselves.

"A Jedi? What does a Jedi have to do on Bracca?" The commander Scrapper asked.

Lera didn't know if she should go along with this narrative or be honest.

She thought for a second. "Jedi bussiness," she finally answered.

"We don't get many Jedi here. Follow me."

Lera followed after the masked commander while the other Scrappers scattered behind her.

The commander took her down a long line of tunnels that seemed endless. She was surprised to notice that the air was very clean.

"Who built these tunnels?" Lera asked.

"They've been here a long time. We don't know. They were probably here before the planet became a junkyard. Come." The person took a sharp turn to the left, down a smaller tunnel, but it was darker here. A few meters at the end of the tunnel was a door. His office?

The commander scanned his fingerprints and the door opened. He motioned her to get in and she did. He closed the door behind her. The air was stuffier in this room. It wasn't very large. One desk, a few chairs and some shelves. Everything here had the same color as the tunnels: dirty yellow. Lera was staring at the objects on the shelves.

"Books?" She asked.

"Yes. Physical books. They are very old. Only few places still make books like these."

"What are they about?"

"Different topics. I collect them. Do you like to read?"

"I don't have time to read. My dad used to read me and my sister to sleep."

The commander was silent. "Anything in particular that would interest you?"

Lera thought for a moment. "Do you have anything on meditation, kyber crystals or the Force?"

Lera couldn't read the expression on the man's face since he was still wearing his Scrapper mask. She figured he was probably suspicious of that request.

He then took off his helmet as if he had read her mind. Lera was shocked to find a young boy, maybe a few years younger than her. He must have noticed her expression. "You expected someone older?"

"Yeah," Lera said looking down embarassed. 

"A lot of us here are young."

"I see."

The boy looked through the books and pulled a rather thin book with a white cover. "Here. I never read this one."

A Star Wars Story: The Adventures of Lera NeaconWhere stories live. Discover now