Dolj Kolvanja

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"Thanks for the meilooruns, Hondo," Lera said to the hologram in front of her.

"Anything for my favorite Jedi," he replied.

"Hondo, I've told you. I'm not a Jedi."

"Right, of course. Anyway, I'm tracking something, something that could be worth a lot of money. I don't have the details right now but I might need you very soon."

"I see."

"We'll keep in touch then," Hondo said, then ended the transmission.

A job will do me good right now, I need the credits, Lera thought.

She took the White Dwarf into the lower atmosphere of Jakku. It was mostly a desert planet with some forests clinging to the few spots of water that it has left. The largest lakes were drying up and the trees were becoming barren.

This planet looks like it's dying.

Lera finally found a small city surrounding a body of water that was still thriving with lush vegetation. This must be it. 

She landed the shuttle not too far from the city, with her droids still inside. Lera put on her mother's poncho, packed the meilooruns in her bag, then went into town.

The huts were made of clay with straw roofs and painted bright colours, pigments which Lera assumed were imported since there was nothing else on this godforsaken rock

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The huts were made of clay with straw roofs and painted bright colours, pigments which Lera assumed were imported since there was nothing else on this godforsaken rock.

At least the town is friendly, Lera thought as everyone was smiling at her when she passed them, almost as if they were expecting her arrival. 

The trees near the water cooled the city so the weather was nice here. Shame the rest of the planet isn't so lucky.

She continued down the dirt road, looking for what could be a garage, but she couldn't tell as none of the buildings had signs.

"Excuse me, do you know where I can find someone named Dolj Kolvanja?" Lera asked an older Falleen lady cutting up fruit in front of her hut.

She didn't look up to answer but pointed to the right with her knife.

"Thanks," Lera said unsure, and she continued in that direction.

At the end of the road was an isolated clay building about triple the size of the huts. It had what looked like an open roof and a large space surrounding it, but no ships nor parts in sight. Lera would have thought the building was deserted if it wasn't for the music coming from inside it.

She approached the door and walked through the beaded curtains. The vast room was ambiently illuminated by tiny holes in the ceiling that let in sunlight. A droid was playing a strange string instrument in one corner while someone was working under some type of ship part in the middle of the room.

"Hello?" Lera asked. The music stopped. A young man slid from under whatever he was working on and looked at Lera expressionless. She recognized the green skin and the Mirialan markings on his face.

"Hello," he responded. "How can I help you?"

"I brought you a gift," she said as she showed him the meilooruns in her bag. The man's eyes widened with joy.

"I'm Dolj Kolvanja," he said, as he raised his hand to shake hers.

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