Chapter 2 - Home Sweet Prison

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Natasha fell on top of Clint and shielded him as best she could, making sure he wasn't shot. More walkers emerged from the woods. Reaching for the knife, she came up empty.


Frantically, she felt around on the wet ground.

Nothing. She was helpless to defend them. If she tried to lure the biters away, Clint would be left unprotected, and she wasn't going to abandon the one person who risked their life for her.

Another shot rang out followed by shouting.

"Sam! Get Barney, it's Clint!"

Natasha was lifted off and away. Whimpering, she struggled against the strong arms holding her.

"You're okay, we got you." A stocky man in army fatigues unloaded a large pistol into several approaching walkers.

"You two grab Clint, I have her. We need to get inside now!"

He snatched Natasha's hand and pulled her as he ran towards the prison. She looked back to make sure the others had Clint.

Each man had one of Clint's arms over their shoulders, dragging his lifeless form up the long gravel driveway through two sets of gates into the first building.

Tripping several times, the man put his arm around her waist and practically carried Natasha the rest of the way.

They hurried down a series of hallways and gates until they burst into a large, open room and she was hoisted up on a gurney. Natasha sat up and watched as they put Clint on a nearby cot. Someone wrapped a blanket around her.

"Were you bit?"

She didn't respond fast enough.

"Did they bite you?!?"


"Check him over! Is he?"

It was overwhelming. Strange people ran in all directions talking at once.

"We need to get to those injuries."

"What the fuck happened to him out there?"

"Who is she?"

"Miss, can you tell me your name?" A calm voice asked.

Dark brown eyes studied her. The young man appeared no older than Natasha, possibly former military with a short haircut and strong build. His dark brown skin was covered in dirt and Clint's blood.


"Hi, Natasha, my name is Sam. That's Barney and Bucky. Barney," he pointed to the husky, unshaven man that resembled Clint, "is going to go get the girls and we are all going to talk."

Natasha trembled and looked around the room for a possible weapon. Clint wasn't awake to explain what happened. What if they blamed her? She closed her eyes and fought back the tears threatening to spill.

"Natasha? Natasha, are you hurt? What's wrong?"

Two women rushed in followed by Barney.

"What's happening? What's going on?" The short, blonde asked, running up to Sam.

The other woman stood by Clint's side, quietly asking Barney questions. Her eyes were sharp and prominent on her uniquely bald head, a no nonsense Katana strapped to her back.

"Clint returned...with a friend." Sam answered diplomatically.

All eyes locked on Natasha.

"Natasha, this is Sharon and Okoye. They live at the prison too. They're going to take you to the showers then we'll talk some more."

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