Chapter 3: The Archer and The Wood Nymph

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Summary: Clint and Natasha grow closer.

Clint concentrated on the stupid cricket chirping and tried to ignore the pain in his side, fidgeting to get more comfortable. He snuck a glance down at Natasha.

She seemed to be sleeping peacefully. He felt like an asshole telling her she would be safe with him, but then his friends threatened to lock her up.

Clint pulled in a deep breath, held it, and let it go along with some of the tension he'd been carrying and closed his eyes.

Footsteps climbing the stairs tickled his senses awake. His mind went on alert, arm loose by his side but ready to pull his knife. He peeked.

It was Red.

What was she doing?

His ears perked up when she came closer. She stood over him for the longest time. Clint didn't dare look again.

A shifting noise told him she was sitting on the floor.

Clint strained to hear for another clue but nothing. Opening his eyes, he propped himself on his elbow.

Nat was leaning against the rail with her knees up and head resting on her forearm, fast asleep.

Resisting the urge to wake her, he sat up and draped one of his flannels around her shoulders then laid back down, closer this time.

He liked that she sought him out. Sam would probably be mad but he would deal with it.

More relaxed now that she was with him, Clint closed his eyes and fell asleep within seconds.

Morgan's crying woke him earlier than he wanted. Clint looked over, Natasha was gone along with his shirt. Her cell was empty too.

He hit the head, took a quick shower and strolled to the common area. Bucky, Sam and Steve were standing by the coffee maker with Morgan in a baby pack on Steve's back, now cooing happily at anyone looking at her.

Natasha, Barney, Sharon, and Okoye were sitting at the round table.

"Have they assigned you work duty yet?" Clint asked Nat.

"Not yet."

"Good. I want to show you my archery range."

They walked to the basketball courts. The targets were built from old crates and pallets. Clint shot off a few arrows, testing his injured side.

"This is brilliant, Clint. It almost mimics a field exam."

"My circus set up?" She had to be mocking him.

"You have all your basics covered for identifying a target." She pointed to several boards." All you need to do is add distractions. I'm really impressed."

"I'm sure this is nothing like what your geniuses design." He felt his ears get hot.

She tilted her head.

"Anyone can buy their way into college. From what we went through in the woods, I know you have better tactical skills than half the guys at DC."

The corner of his mouth tugged into a half smile.

"There's a few people in my life that would disagree with you."

Natasha narrowed her eyes and took the knife from his belt holster. She faced the furthest target and concentrated but before she let loose she said, "I look forward to meeting those people one day," and threw the knife, hitting the outside edge of the bullseye.

She hopped back with a small 'yes' of triumph and looked over at Clint, who was grinning ear to ear.

He stepped around, grabbed his bow, nocked an arrow and pulled it taunt. Lining up the shot, he turned to Natasha and released, never breaking eye contact.

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