Chapter 9 - The End

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Three months later...

Clint shifted to make her more comfortable. They cuddled on the front porch swing but his bow was close at hand.

The morning sun crept over the fields, painting the brown landscape a brilliant shade of orange. It was easy to believe life was normal again living in the worn down farmhouse.

"Should we wake everyone?"

He kept his sharp eyes on the horizon, absently running his fingers through her hair. Natasha was curled up beside him, head nestled in his lap.

"Not yet."

The house was big, but not like the prison. They rarely had quiet time together.

"I like your hair short." A contented sigh escaped her lips as he continued his gentle massage.

She chopped it just above the shoulders recently, accentuating the curls. He tucked a loose strand behind her ear.

Clint leaned down and kissed her lips, resting a hand on her stomach. He felt crazy most days, happy one moment, anxious and stressed the next.

"You both okay?"

"Yes." She sat up and he gathered her in his lap, trying to get his emotions under control. She could read him like a book.

They had talked casually one time how life would be easier without a baby, but now, the thought of anything happening to Natasha or what was inside of her made him terrified.

His mind wandered back to Pepper.

"We're going to be okay, Clint.'' She told him calmly, forcing him to focus on her.

Clint let himself relax and enjoy the moment.

"You know that?" He asked with smiling eyes. "Is that what you know?"

"I do know that," she smiled back and kissed him in a way that made his heart soar, "as long as we are together."


Author Notes:

Dear Readers,

I know you picked up on some foreshadowing clues that didn't seem to pay off.
You are correct. Originally, this was a planned tragedy. And I mean TRAG O DEE. I was killing them both...hehe
Natasha was going to sacrifice herself to save Clint, Endgame style, but Clint couldn't handle it and blew himself up with the prison in order to save the rest and be with Natasha.

I wanted to make you all cry...but I couldn't do it. I liked them falling in love too much. Hope the new ending wasn't too predictable.

This has been such a fun ride!! Thank You to everyone! Thank You for commenting and indulging me.

There is no planned follow up for the time being. I am not against continuing their story or writing another Walking Dead AU, but I have so many other fics in the pipeline and I've been dreaming about zombies way too much, that this is a one shot for now.

(but please feel free to suggest ideas or what you want to read in the future!)

I appreciate you all. Have a fantastic week!


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